Saturday, August 25, 2007
The 8:55 to Baghdad
While I detox my system a little bit, I am
finishing some books I started a long time ago.
This week I got to end of the book "The 8:55 to Baghdad" by
Andrew Eames.
Agatha Christie took a trip to Baghdad in 1928. Andrew
follows her trip, as best he can. Andrew's trip is just before
the second Gulf war, so there is some tension when he
is in Iraq. Agatha made the trip originally after her
first marriage broke up. What is depressing s how friendly the Arabs
were to Andrew. I doubt that he would get such a warm reception now.
I need to plan more adventurous holidays.
Green man festival -- No music on Sunday
What bands did I see on Sunday? Err, well none. It was muddy and I
slunk out of the campsite at 10:00. After checking with more
experienced festival goerers, I find that walking through mud is part
of the festival experience, so I was a bit of a wimp frankly.
If I had stayed then I would have wanted to see on the main stage:
Devendra Banhart (not sure why), Gruff Rhys, Malcolm Middleton
(ex Arab Strap), and Mistys big adventure.
In the folkey dokey tent, I would have seen: artic circle,
John Renbourn, Herman Dune, and the aliens. I was particularly
looking forwardto seeing Herman Dune. Such is life though.
Thus ends my coverage of the Green Man festival 2007.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Green man festival -- music on Saturday
On Saturday it rained. I usually switch between the main stage
and the folkey dokey tent. It is nice to new bands.
Unfortunately, I have managed to forget most of
the people I saw in the Folkey dokey tent. I did see
some good music there. I saw part of the set by "north
sea radio orchestra". They were some kind of small classical
ensemble who make classical music and have people sing
William Blake songs. I am over my hatred for classical music,
so I enjoyed their set (OK they are freakzone approved).
I saw part of James Yorkston's set.
On the main stage the first band I enjoyed was "monkey
swallows the universe". Next on the main stage was Lisa Knapp.
I liked her set, but I can't remember why. Later on clinic
played. All the members of clinic wore surgical masks -- they
were fairly indie, so made a nice change.
At 5:30 a band called "the broken family band" played. They are
some kind of alt-country group from Cambridge. I enjoyed their set.
The penultimate band on the Saturday was "Vashti Bunyan". Vashti
has an interesting history that you can look up else where.
Even though she is over 60, she does have a sweet beautiful voice.
Unfortunately, she was a bit quiet for a late night festival
slot. Still I am glad I was there.
The band on Saturday was "Robert Plant and the strange sensation".
You can't accuse Robert of being quiet. I have to admit I never really
got into Led Zepplin when I was growing up. Robert played a
really goo set. He clearly enjoys singing. He played a
mix of old and new stuff. The program said that he had gotten
interested into middle eastern music. The mud bewitched me, so
I didn't hear his full set. Still I had a great time.
Green man festival -- music on Friday
So what about the music at the Green Man festival Craig?
On the Friday night the headline act was Joanna Newson. She plays the
harp in a beautiful way. Unfortunately, she is fairly quiet, so this
means that the drunker members of the audience start talking. A 40
year old woman was loudly trying to pull a collegs student. The guy
was saying I have no artistic understanding of music -- very true.
In my minds eye I can still Newson pluck those harp strings.
Before Joanna, her husband Bill Callahan played a set. Callahan used to
record under the name "somg" and was a tad gloomy and slow. Now that he is
married, he records under his own name and sounds a lot happier. I enjoyed
his set -- although he doesn't move around so much.
I also enjoyed Rachael Untank and the winterset who played the main stage
about 16:30. I own their first album called "creul sister". There were
some really good tracks on "creul sister" (one of which involved
a hangover). I was amazed to see some tap dancing as part of their
set. They were much more traditional than I remembered.
The first band on the main stage was Gwildor. I liked them. The next
band was Fanfarlo, who I am sure I have heard on the freakzone radio show.
I was disappointed with Fanfarlo's set for some reason.
I saw some good bands in the Folkey Dokey stage, but I can't remember their
names. Sorry...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
festival reading
While I was on the train I overheard a conversation about the Harry
Potter books by people who looked as though they were also going to
the green man festival. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the
boy wizard, but somehow spending the weekend with 10000 Harry Potter
fans filled me with a Lord Voldemort like dread.
Ok I was reading a fantasty novel as well. However
my fantasy novel was based on a philosophical idea,
so there is no way that it could be considered
a nerdy book. In fact all 3 fantasy books that I read
while travelling to and from the Green Man festival were
all based on some deep idea. So here are the 3 books:
Simak, "Why call them back from Heaven".
The human race is constructing a business to
revive the dead. But do we really want immortality?
A.E Van Vogt, "the battle for forever".
Pacifism mixes with vengeance.
Tim Powers "The Anubis Gates".
A man goes back in time to be a tourist guide
for a talk by Coleridge. Things go wrong and he
finds himself living the life of a person he was
writing a biography about. Apart from being a good
yarn, this touches on issues of free will and destiny.
I think you will all agree that my choice of reading material
was not at all nerdy or spotty faced.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
camping with the green man
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Green man festival
I will post more stuff about the music at the green man festival
later. This festival has a different feel to others. It really
is a weird folk and psychedelic festival. It is clearly not a traditional
folk festival, but when Rachel Unthank and the Winterset played the
main stage on Friday at 16:30 they had some clog dancing in their set,
that people who looked like indie children seemed to like.
On reflection the Welsh like their psychedelic folk. There
were a lot of ex-members of Gorky's Zygotic Mynci playing.
The only reason I had heard of many of the bands is by
regularly listening to the freakzone on radio 6. Normally
I live happily in my own musical world where no one has heard
of the stuff I like. At the festival, I heard people excited to
watch Vashti Bunyan and Bill Callahan (these are not so obscure
I might add). I am not alone, but perhaps if I move to the next level
of obscurity then I will be.
Green man festival - setting the scene
I am back from the Green Man festival. I had a really good time.
My tent didn't fall down. I didn't fall into any ditches dead drunk.
I didn't fall head first into the mud bath.
I got the train to on Thursday to Abergavenny The ticket cost about
120 pounds which was bout 50 pounds more than I thought it was going
to be. Somehow it more expensive to go there than to go to London. The
journey from Glasgow took 6 hours, but as I was reading my book time
went quickly.
There was a coach from the railway station to the festival site.
There was a little wait for the buses to turn up, but everyone
looked excited by the prospect of a weekend of cider and bands.
It was less than a 20 minute drive from the station to the festival site.
The festival site is in the country.
The green man festival is a small festival compared to the big ones
such as Glastonbury.I think that there were fewer than 10000 people
- but still a good number of people. The camp site seemed big to me.
The festival was in Glanusk Park, Brecon Beacons. When you look up
you see a huge mountain with its top covered in cloud. If the cloud
is at the bottom of the mountain that means it is raining or it
is about to start raining. There were a lot of trees around.
There were 3 or 4 stages, plus other areas for children, a cinema tent, a
green field site. I saw that the Institute of Physics were doing some
demos there. Umm, good to see that my annual membership fee is put to good
use. If all "outreach" was like that I would be more keen to
get involved. There was a lot of space to explore.
The main stage was in an amphitheatre. Some of the other venues were
up the hill hidden away in an enchanted wood.
I believe that children under the age of 12 were free to go in. There were
a lot of children about. I am not really a family person, but somehow having
children playing makes an occasion more adult.
There was a huge choice of food available. There was food from Spain,
the middle East, China, plus interesting stuff from the UK. So you
could get through the weekend without eating a single burger. OK, so I
ate one burger when I was there, but it was gourmet and frankly what
did you expect me to do? Cook for myself?
I will post about the music and camping later. I have to admit I came
home a day earlier than I planned. It rained most of Saturday, so the
festival site was essentially covered with 2 inches of mud. I had good
boots that I am still scrapping the stuff off. It looked as though it
was going to rain on Sunday too. I am the kind of person who will fall
flat in a big pool of mud. When I was younger I went on a camping
trip with the ATC. I managed to fall in a big pile of mud in a farm
yard. When my father, never a person who could restrain exerting his
wit on an unfortunate person, picked me up to take me home, he noted
that sh*t people attract sh*t. (How I laughed).
It was possible to move between the stages at the end of Saturday, but the mud \
slowed me down. It was taking me 20 minutes to get from the main stage
(near the bar) to the toilets. I would drink a pint of cider, take 20
minutes to go to the toilets. By the time I came back I was ready
to go to the toilet again. I would come back to bar at the main stage,
drink a pint of cider, after which I was ready to go to the toilet again.
You get the picture.
There was an incredible age range of people at this event. Some
people were with their children and their parents too.
Napalm Death
I went to see Napalm Death play at the Glasgow barfly last
Wednesday. When I was around 20 I used to be into Napalm Death, and I
wanted to see them play. I never managed it then. I didn't really
start going to gigs until I was studying at Edinburgh
University. Napalm Death were a famous grind core / death metal band
who formed in the early 80s. They played very fast short songs. John
Peel was a fan.
I had not followed what they were doing since then. The Glasgow barfly
is a small venue that mostly plays indie type bands, rather than a
metal bar. It was packed when I went there. Everyone was wearing
black, as you might expect, but at some stage I was trying to get to
the bar, I seemed surrounded by blackness.
When they started playing, I was enjoying the band, but the guy I was
with turned to me and said, "this is not real grindcore". I spend the
next 15 minutes worrying about this until he went off to the mosh pit
and voted with his feet that they were genuine death metal.
Napalm death played a good set. Somehow they are getting more
political. Perhaps death metal is drifting back to its hard core
punk roots.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I am looking forward to my trip to the festival later
this week. This does involve some camping. I have not been
camping for nearly 15 years. I went into town today to get
some gear. Trouble is I didn't realize that TJ Hughs don't sell
camping stuff. I did find a "Blacks" shop, but just as it
was shutting up.
I was really looking for an army surplus place where I could
get some proper ex-military gear. I don't want some pouncy
"middle class camping gear". The point of camping is to
suffer a little, rather than to carry around a hotel
room in your car. When I did go camping I did use
use some military mess tins with a simple stove. This
was easier to use than one of those nasty gas stoves.
I didn't see any military surplus shops in Glasgow. I did see
a lot of ugly pound saver shops. It is too late to order
any army surplus from ebay, maybe next time.
I have seen the first Rambo movie "first blood". It doesn't look too
hard to live off the land. All I need is a large knife. I guess
that killing a deer would not go down well with the average
hippy festival goer, but grilling a rabbit over a fire
may be OK (perhaps???).
When I was maybe 16 or 17, I bought a book called "No need to die" by
Eddie McGee. This was all about living off the land. Why did I buy
the book? At some point some murderer killed someone and then hid in
the country. Eddie tracked him down. This sounds like bollocks now
that I think about it, but at the time it was on TV and made some kind
of sense. One of the tricks in the book was to use a condom to catch
a fish. I don't see that walking into camp with a trout in a condom
is a good way to pull a festival hippy chick, even though it would
show that I was a good "hunter gather sort.".
I can see that I am going to end up eating festival burgers for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yummy!
more complaining about being tired
I have been feeling really run down and tired this week.
I am exhausted. I have a lot of work to do, but I am
having problems functioning, both at work and as a human
being. I am getting annoyed my people standing in my
way as I walk around the fabulous West End of Glasgow.
Somehow people move slowly and decide to have a big think in doorways.
I cut a sad figure as I walked into a number of off sales
places in Glasgow. I was all shaking with tiredness and muttering
"sake". (Somehow all the sake in Glasgow has been drunk, so no joy).
I am not the only one who is exhausted. The Guardian has an article
about the US army in Iraq. They are tired too, but perhaps for better
reasons. I could of course try going to bed earlier, or
meditating. Perhaps a relaxing stroll through the Botanical gardens
would help. Nope, I need time off line and R&R outside Glasgow.
Anyway I did try to make some life style changes. I got two
cans of Red Bull. I have tried to drink Red Bull in the past.
I don't like the taste. Did it wake me up? No not really, I just felt
like "sh*t" quicker. Perhaps I will soldier on with this
Red Bull thing. This is what the US army use to keep awake and
fighting alert. Sure some bullets go astray, but at least
the soldiers keep awake.
byebye TV hello laptop
I have been using the iplayer from the BBC. This internet thing
is pretty cool. You can download programs from the last week. You
then have 28 days to start watching the program. OK, I should worry
about DRM and stuff like that. This is for programs created by the BBC,
so you can't get "Family Guy".
I will obviously use this new program to improve my mind with cultural
and historical TV programs. Until, then I have downloaded shows
for "Mock the week", "Dr Who", and "Life on Mars". I am easy to
please. This is one of the reasons I am not reading many books at the
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Simpson's movie
I went to see the Simpson's movie last week. I no longer regularly
watch the Simpson's on TV. I have moved on to "Family Guy" and "American
Dad". I would watch Southpark if it were available on terrestrial
TV. I enjoyed the Simpson's film -- it wasn't a really great film,
but it was enjoyable.
The same evening, I watched "Unknown" on DVD. This is a film
about 5 men waking up in a room with their memory lost. It was
intense, but ultimately empty. Still it was a lot better than many
films I have seen recently.
a month of bins
green man

Nash versus Cope
It was so humiliating but I really needed the latest CDs by
Julian Cope and Kate Nash. Now that fopp has closed I am reduced to
buying CDs from Virgin megastore. I slipped into the store trying to look as
though I was lost, so the cool people wouldn't waggle their wasted fingers
at me.
I have seen Kate Nash play and I like the song "foundations" a lot.
Perhaps I have a thing for angry chicks who hate men. The first
track on the Kate Nash, sounded like a pointless filler track.
This didn't put me in a good mood. There are some good tracks
on the CD, but I don't like it as much as the first record by Candie
Payne. The guardian review is a bit harsh as well. I expect that
I don't like listening to her London accent too much.
On the other hand Julian Cope's latest CD is fantastic. Now that I have been
educating myself about bands such as Can and Neu, I appreciate his
sound a lot. I remember listening to an interview with him in the 80s,
when he said he had some problems recording because he thought that
he was a city center. He is clearly an articulate clever guy.
I like obscure music, but when I look at his web site he is clearly
finding a higher level of weirdness in hidden sound.
Umm, I don't seem to have told you the name of Cope's new album.
I am not a professional reviewer. You got a problems with me?
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The U.S. Vs John Lennon
A couple of weeks ago, I watched the DVD about John Lennons problems
with the US government during the late 60s and early 70s. Let me start
out by saying that I hate the Beatles. I particularly hate Paul
McCartney. And Paul, it is not cool to put out a record with
Starbucks. I am addicted to coffee, but putting one of your CDs near
the latte machine is not likely to make me want to buy it, or like
you. There was some early footage of the Beatles, and even then Paul looked
like a total twat.
I am being a bit harsh about the Beatles. I do like George Harrison,
because he funded a lot of good films (Monty Python and Withnail And I).
Also he was a good hippy singer.
John always struck me as a phony, but that is no reason to shoot him
of course.
As part of the documentary they showed some footage with Abbie Hoffman and
Jerry Reuben. Both Abbie and Jerry were anti-war protestors and were both very
good speakers. Abbie Hoffman wrote "steal this book", that I read when I
was in Salt Lake City
after the neocons
While in Germany I read "after the neocons" by Francis Fukuyama. I
used to try and read a (usually left wing) political book for every 2
others. Fukuyama is not a left wing author. He is famous for
writing a book called "the end of history", that claimed that all societies
approach liberal western democracies with time. I have not read "the end
of history", but I will do one day (being well read and that).
The book I did read was about Iraq. It was an "insiders" view on Iraq
and the idea of state building. These people have a very philosophical
way of thinking about foreign policy, that is alien to those of us
who stopped studying history at the age of 14.
As I get older I do find that I am reading more political books by
right week people. This might be because, I am getting more
conservative as I get older (true), or I am getting more cunning (know your
I'm back!
Umm, I don't seem to have posted anything for a while
on my BLOG. Last week I went to the lattice 2007 conference in
Regensburg. Somehow this always involves a huge amount of effort and
stress. The day before my talk, I am usually too nervous to
say anything.
I am hoping to go the Green Man festival in two weeks time.
There is a really good set of people playing. However, there is
a postal strike on, so I am not sure I am going to get my tickets.
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