Sunday, November 25, 2007
Fool moon
I keep meaning to read something by Doris Lessing,
mostly because I bought some of her books, so
I should make an attempt to read them now that she is
a Nobel prize winner.
However instead I spent part of the weekend reading Fool Moon
by Jim Butcher. The book was part of the Dresden files
series. The story is about wizard versus werewolves
in modern Chicago. The book is not great literature,
but is well written with a lot of hooks that occur
at the end of chapters.
It is good to be reading fiction again. I will get
around to reading some books by Lessing soon.
Janis Joplin
A couple of nights ago I had a dream where Janis Joplin was not
dead. In the dream I was reading a WIKIPEDIA article about Joplin.
She made some records with Led Zeppelin during the 70s.
I used to listen to a tape by Janis when I was 17 or 18.
We also taped a documentary about Janis and used to watch
that in rotation with a documentary about Phil Ochs.
Anyway I was pretty sure that Janis Joplin overdosed,
but I used to be fairly drunk when I watchd the film about
Joplin, so perhaps I missed something.
The last time I thought about Janis Joplin was when I
heard Cohen say that his Chelsea hotel song was
about Janis Joplin. In fact, it looks like all my
information about Janis Joplin comes from the TV.
This is what used to happen in the days before the
I can feel a quest coming on to find Janis Joplin.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Are you ready for the LHC?
Are you ready for the LHC? Hey, forget about tuning your
Monte Carlo, what you should be reading is the book
"keeping it real" by Justina Robson.
In 2015 the quantum bomb opened up the world to
the realm of Elves, demons and some other things.
The quantum bomb was caused by the explosion of
the superconducting supercollider in Texas. Umm,
yes, perhaps if she had done a little more web surfing
she would have found that that accelerator had been
cancelled in the early 90s. I don't see any acknowledgements,
but perhaps Brian Cox was involved as a consultant,
and he was able to help with his legendary grasp
of particle physics.
The book was a mixture of fantasy and cyberpunk. The heroine
is a cyborg. Science fiction is very different
to fantasy (please don't get the two confused). This cross-genre
was good, because it mixed scifi with fantasy elements such as magic and
When I made my new years resolutions this year, I decided
to try and move my interests more into the main stream
of culture. For example when I am talking with an
attractive woman and she happens to mention that she likes
James Blunt, I was hoping to move way from snorting
"you like the bland music that fu*king w*nker makes"?
I thought that kind of outburst would hurt any
potential relationship.
Somehow the Satan tempted me to buy the book "Japrockersampler"
by Julian Cope. Julian's book is about the Japanese underground
music scene, in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Julian claimed that the
Japanese music scene was less influenced by drugs, than what
happened in the US/UK. It was interesting to read how the Japanese bands
were influenced by the music coming from the US.
Anyway, rather helpfully Cope provided a list of the top 50
albums by Japanese bands. Top of the list is a CD called
Satori by Flower Travelling' Band. Well I have saved money by
not buying CDs by Blunt so I deserve a treat,
Saturday, November 10, 2007
metal machine
I have decided I am an atonal type of guy. On the freakzone radio show
last week, the featured album was Metal Machine by Zeitkratzer. This
was an orchestral version of Lou Reed's Metal Machine, that he
released in the mid 70s. Many people view the original metal machine
as unlistenable, including me (although I didn't try). However the
orchestral version sounded so fantastic that I have just bought a
copy. However, the new version of metal machine will still clear
emmy the great
I went out to see "Emmy the great" play at King Tuts
in Glasgow last Friday. I don't go out to gigs that
much these days, so I couldn't decide whether to go or not.
I did decide that an evening of mucic and beer would do me good.
The other times I have been to King Tuts it has been
packed out, but it was fairly empty when I got there.
(Most people were in the bar downstairs and slowly drifted
up as the support acts played).
One of the support acts was ballboy. I bought one of their
CDs, maybe about 5 years ago, because it was championed a lot
by John Peel. Also the CD had a song about a big fat stupid
Manchester United fan, so the Gods of Liverpool forced me
to buy it. I had thought that Ballboy was a band, but last
Friday, it was just one guy strumming his guitar. I really
enjoyed his set thought, because is was full of word filled
Emmy the great were great. I had heard them play a session
on Marc Riley's Rocket Science. She sings controlled, sweet,
and intense songs. She is Chinese, but the music is not
Chinese traditional (I had to explain that too a number of people
this week).
There is a review of the same gig by someone at the Guardian.
A bit wordy and pretentious for my taste.
You can listen to Emmy the Great and decide for your self.
Interestingly enough Emmy the great are playing a venue close to
my flat tonight. More importantly she is playing Glasgow with
the "mountain goats" on 10th December. I used to buy low-fi tapes
by the mountain goats.
too pretty

Sunday, November 04, 2007
die hard 4.0
I watched Die Hard 4.0 on DVD on Thursday
night. It was entertaining enough. They do
all this fancy stunt work, but then there was
a scene in the car that was clearly done
with a blue screen. Other scenes were done
in a real car. I payed 2.50 to rent that DVD,
I don't expect to see blatant blue screen
books about wizards
Last week I read a book called Storm Front by
Jim Butcher. The book was about the adventures
of Harry Dresden, a wizard in the Chicago area
who solves occult murder mysteries. This is not high
art, but the book was well written in an addictive way.
(I don't think the book was a Harry Potter rip off, because
I am too cool to read such stuff).
Trouble is there is a whole series of these books.
I am reading so few books at the moment to get involved
in reading a series of books for mere enjoyment.
I should really make a start on one of the Doris Lessing
books I own. Perhaps I will just order one more book
by Dresden.
I have just finished reading Rashomon by Ryunosuke Akutagawa.
This was a collection of short stories by a famous Japanese
writer. There is a great film called Rashomon, that starts
with a man walking in some trees. The book makes an appearance
in the film "ghost dog" as well.
A good piece of writing can warm my soul for a long
time. I could feel the influence of a story called
"hell screen" for a couple of days. There was a lot of ambiguity about
the story, which describes a terrible but fascinating event.
Ryunosuke changed writing styles later on his life. He started
by writing historical stories, but later the stories were
more autobiographical (set in the early part of the twentieth century).
The last story was called "spinning gears". It involved him just jotting
down things he felt and saw, some of which may have been real.
He was so sensitive and depressed. I feel the same way when I have
not talked to anyone for a couple of days.
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