Friday, February 22, 2008
I watched the DVD for the film "Saw" a couple of
nights. This was a a violent horror film with a good
deal of torturing on it. On the other hand it was well
made and had some philosophical core idea behind it. Of course
if you find nothing of merit in the writings of Marquis De Sade,
then you will not enjoy the film.
The film was popular enough to have them create a number of sequels.
I think I have seen enough of the jigsaw killer.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I have been trying to encourage everyone at work to buy a high
definition TV. I will be looking for a job soon, and the economy is
not very healthy. Frankly now that Blue ray has won the high
definition video format war (go Sony), I feel that people should also
get a PS/3 just to be sure the wheels of UK consumerism don't stop
As I walked to work down Queen Margret Drive, I saw a tandem bike with
a man at the front and a little girl about 6 years old in a pink coat
at the rear. They were peddling hard and the girls pigtails were
almost left behind. The silvery bike sparkled in the frosty
air. Given, how fast children grow, I am not sure how long they would
ride together on that particular bike. Still I should have told the little
girl that if her dad is so cheap not to buy her a bike for herself,
then he should get a TV for herself. Unfortunately, the happy family
were cycling too fast for me to infect them with my cynicism.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I went on a stag night out yesterday. I had some pleasant drinks in
the counting house pub in the center of Glasgow. I bailed when the
group decided to go to a casino. I don't really like gambling so
much. I did enjoy putting quarters in slot machines when I was in the
US (for the crashing sounding and crazy colours), but I don't have the
patience to play cards or watch the roulette wheel spin. Playing cards
requires skill and knowledge that I don't have. Most British casinos
don't allow Russian roulette, so they really are no fun.
After the casino there was talk of going to a strip bar. I don't have
a moral problem with strip bars, but I have never gone to one.
Part of the reason was that I worry that I would get the fear
and sweats, and not in a positive erotic way, more in a crazy
emotional problem way. I could barely breath when I was taken to see
a belly dancer. Actually it was before a meal in a Greek restaurant.
But as the flesh gyrated and wobbled, my own flesh became icy and pale.
I tried to hide the shakes from the relatively normal couple I was
with. Since Richard Feynman sometimes did calculations in a strip bar,
I don't think that there would be any professional problems if anyone
found out.
Although I have had some association with the catholic faith,
I don't think that traditional guilt is causing me problems.
In that case I would have gone to the strip bar had a great
time, but then felt a bit guilty the morning afterwards.
Anyway after browsing on Amazon I have bourght the
book by Belle de Jour. My path to mental health is
Saturday, February 16, 2008
steam boy
On Friday night I went into Blockbusters to rent a video.
I have been waiting to see "Eastern Promises", but either it
is not out yet, or they don't have it at blockbusters on Byers
Rd. So instead I decided to rent "Steam Boy" a Japanese anime
film. As everyone know anime is totally different to cartoons, because
even though it is animated it is made in Japan, and hence counts as
world cinema.
The clerk asked me "do you like anime?" I panicked a bit,
because the question "do you like anime?" could also actually
mean "do you like cartoons". He was just being friendly, and
recommended some new titles. I was full of post work beer so was
less than coherenet in my replies.
The next day I was wondering around Tesco I saw two things that
interested me. One was a DVD of the trasnformers film for 3
pounds. The other was a blond woman, perhaps in the early 30s, in a
jean dress. She looked sensible and in command of local reality, but
not the kind of person you could invite around for some world cinema.
I whispered "I like cartoons" to the cashier as I payed for my DVD,
and walked out alone.
I would like to point out that the steam boy DVD was very clever, and
had Stephenson of steam engine fame in it (not a sympathetic character
though). I am not sure that science came out well from the film.
I went out to see the film cloverfield last night. A bunch
of annoying New Yorkers get attacked by a giant monster.
The film is shot from the perspective of a dorky camera man.
Perhaps not as profound as Godzilla, but a good way to spend the evening.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Death in the Afternoon
Thursday, February 14, 2008
days between stations
I think I bought "days between stations" in the Oxfam book shop on
Byers Rd in the fabulous West End of Glasgow. The book had very good
blurbs on the back (Thomas Pynchon), so it wasn't your normal science
fiction novel.
I started reading it, but then stopped for maybe
a year. It was a confusing novel, even with out
the long lay off of reading the book. Somehow there
was a black and white film that was never released.
Also the desert was seeping everywhere. Various people were
in and out love.
What was it all about? Good question, I think somehow
the film was reborn into reality. It was very well written, but
it was not clear what he theme was. Anyway a sweet piece
of literary fiction.
Monday, February 11, 2008
I have been at a meeting in Columbus Ohio. I am staying in the
Holiday Inn just opposite the campus of the Ohio State University.
There is a 7-11 just outside the hotel. This is where I have been
having breakfast and buying my late night beer.
It has been really cold with a wind chill factor. When we walked out
to lunch and dinner, I have not been so cold for a long time.
At meal two days at a really nice restaurant my share was 51
dollars. When I lived in he US, I would have jumped out of the
restaurant window if a food bill had come close to 50 dollars.
However, given the good exchange rate, the bill was only about 25
pounds. This is not a big deal for a nice meal with beers. I have been
feeling like a millionaire. Hello American have a dollar, it is worth
nothing to me.
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