Saturday, November 05, 2005
I sit in the Radison hotel in Stockton California. I am attending an interview at
the University of Pacific. I just went out this morning for a little stroll. There
is a little canel close to here that is a bit like Venice. THis is very California.
There are a couple of nice
coffee shops around the hotel. They open late (12:00 am) and have free wireless.
I had a quick stoll to some local Malls. Things seem more interesting than Utah because there is a lote more ethnic shops. I can't say I am so keen on the Mall culture, but I found a place to train in Taekwondo and an indian market.
There are too many balloons aroud here for my taste. There was a sad big red ballon tethered outside a half empty shoppig mall close to the hotel. A bit further on, I saw a Mexican woman forlornly standing outside a big piza restaurant holding a cluster of balloons.
I am reading Maul by Tricia Sullivan. This is some subtle pun on Mall. The book has some strange gun battle between some young girls in a dseigner shopping Mall