Sunday, January 27, 2008
Good to great
This weekend I finished reading a book called "Good to great" by
Jim Collins. This was a book about why some companies suddenly start
to become very successful, compared to others in the same industry.
The front of the book claims that two million copies have been sold.
I would guess that a large fraction of the sales have been as
gifts to Richard Branson. Collins is very down on superstar
CEOs who spend more time getting publicity than running the
company. Also he doesn't like firms just randomly buying
other assets without any competence in the new business.
(Painting them red and putting a V on them doesn't count)
Collins doesn't mention Richard Branson, but writing this review,
I have found that I hate him. Oh well, he can join the club.
Bay of Souls
I have just read "Bay of Souls" by Robert Stone. I stopped reading
recent literary fiction, because I got tired of reading about the
problems facing people working in English literature departments. So
this novel didn't start too well dealing with the problems of a
Professor of English. It was well written I admit. However, things
heat up when he goes with his lover to an Island in the Caribbean.
No Country for Old Men
I went to see "No Country for Old Men" on Wednesday. What
a great film! Trouble is now I know the the good guys don't always
win. In fact the crazy and insane prosper, while the good either
die or retire. It feels as though the Universe has changed.
My head has been turned.
A test of my moral fiber.
I was siting down when I heard scraping sounds. I suddenly
thought, there is a bird trapped in the chimney. How did it
get there? There was a lot of scratching and what sounded like the
flapping of wings.
There is fitted fire in fireplace so there is no easy access
to the chimney. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.
Ring the landlord or the fire service for them to pull the bird out
I have various tools that I don't know how to use. so perhaps I could
have freed the little bird with my trusty hammer.
The other option would have been to ignore the sound and spend the
next two days listening to the poor bird die. We are not talking about
a beautiful song bird, whose song fills the listeners with delight,
or a mighty eagle that soars above us. I doubted whether it was a wise
owl. It was more likely a pigeon and I was expected to free it so it could
sh*t on my windows again.
The sound died after a 30 seconds, so my moral character was not tested
(probably a good thing). Perhaps I am going insane. It would be cool
to see a colourful warped reality.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Recalled to life
I read Recalled to Life by Robert Silverberg while I was in
Spain (that blue sky). This is a science fiction novel about
a lab that discovers a way to bring people back to life who
have recently died. An ex-governor is hired to do the press
for the lab. It was clearly a clever philosophical novel,
about the reaction of the church and other groups to
this new procedure. There were number of loose ends like
a Senator who is accidently murdered. Still you have to admire
the book for dealing with the fear of death.
Why I joined the church of Scientology
I joined the Scientology movement for a day when I was 16. The clinching
argument was that it payed better than picking strawberries. Unfortunately,
as way to recruit people into Scientology there is some kind of
personality test. I managed to fail this test. It was a very complicated test
and involved running about and doing errands. It seems very unfair that
Tom Cruise was allowed to join, but not me. I would have fought the decision
to kick me out if I had known that William Burroughs went "clear".
Over the holiday I enjoyed reading "The bare-faced messiah" by Russell
Miller. This is the story of L Ron Hubbard who founded Scientology.
Hubbard was a science fiction author who claimed to have found new
insight into mental health (dianetics).
The first part of the story was boring because it wall about him as a
child who was loved by a large family. As he got older he started to
start telling bolder and bolder lies. From the book it did sound that
he had manic depressive qualities. He sounded immensely charismatic,
and was a good confident speaker.
Anyway just in case anyone from the Church of Scientology wants to sue me,
you can read the book yourself and judge for yourself. There is track
by Mike Skinner from the Streets who complain about camera phones making
it hard to do drugs. Because if you are famous than there is always someone
ready to take a video or picture to put it on youtube, or sell it to
the papers. In a similar vein, it is hard to found a religion these
days, because everyone's life is so well documentated.
I also thought this when I read Joseph Smith founding the church of
the latter day saints. It could be that the Internet and the camera phone
will stop any further religions from being started, because there will
always be ways to rubbish the founder.
I payed 13 pounds for the book from Amazon. I knew it was secondhand,
but it had a stamp in it that it was withdraw for sale from a London library.
The stamp also told me the book was sold off for 1 pound. Even
the anti-Scientology groups rip you off.
One part of "the lay guide" involved asking a woman around to look at
your CD collection. There was a right and wrong way to do this. Umm,
I am glad I read that because if I invite someone round to look at my
CDs, then they are going to looks at my CDs. If I hear any negative
comments, they get thrown out of the flat.
Below is a list of CDs in my room with the computer, that a poor unfortunate
visitor who be forced to listen to.
Anthony and the Johnsons "secretly Canadian"
(anguished singing).
Elbow -- a cast of thousands
(famous Manchester band)
Jolie Holland -- Escondia
(new country / folk)
Violent Femmes -- Permanant Record: the very best of
Gallows -- Orchestra of Wolves
(new punk band)
Can -- Tago-Mago
(Kraut Rock)
The lovers -- The lovers.
french music
Regina Spektor -- Soviet kitsch
(distorted female singer)
Blue cheer -- Vincebus eruption
(Loud 60s blues / heavy band)
The lay guide
This week I finished reading "The layguide -- the rules of the
game, how to become the ultimate pick up artist". In my defense
of reading a book on picking women up, I would like to point out
terms such as "the neg" or "wingman" are now part of the common
culture. So a well read person needs to know them.
I can rememeber exactly when I started reading this, but I dimly
rememeber that I bourght it in Liverpool. Anyway I think it has taken
over a year for me to finish this book. Given that the book is all
about getting more sex, that tells that I didn't enjoy the book. I had
the most problems with the first part, where the woman is
approached. I would read a couple of pages and then I would get up and
say "I am not saying that." However after reading the book I have decided
that I am not going to use my favourite chat up line:
"who is youir favourite singer out of Kevin Coyne and Phil
Ochs?", anymore.
Even after reading the book I still like
so I am a lost cause.
I enjoyed the second part of the book more. Somehow this seemed more useful.
Are the women of Glasgow ready for the new confident me. Probably.
Monday, January 21, 2008
the naked Jape
The culture show on TV had Jimmy Carr do a segment on jokes.
I found out that Jimmy had written a book with Lucy Greeves,
called "the naked Jape." The book contained a history and
analysis of jokes. There were also quite a large collection
of jokes in the book. Jimmy Carr is more of a joke comedian,
as he just tells many very short jokes. Many modern
comedians, now tell longer stories.
Armed with this new theoretical knowledge of jokes, I can finally add
GSOH to my myspace and facebook accounts.
streaming media
I got a copy of "streaming media" by Tobias Kunkel from Amazon
fairly cheaply. This was first published in 2003, so is a bit
dated in these internet times. I now have a better idea
of the streaming software that is used to play radio
via the internet.
I mostly read the book, because I keep having problems with
firefox playing radio 6 via listen again. If I make any changes
to firefox, all the settings that let me do "listen again" stop
working. The book didn't take about firefox at all, but now
I sought of know what a codec is.
Also, I guess that this kind of technological information
is required to provide movies on the web. So I now know how
to set up a po*n channel, given the exciting way the job situation
is going, this may be an option.
a brief history of the middle east
My holiday in Spain was a reading holiday. I also
read "a brief history of the middle east" by Christopher
Catherwood. This was interesting, but I felt I should
know more about the British empire's role in the destruction of the
Ottoman empire. I know that I should be embarrassed by the "Suez
crisis", but I am still unsure what that was all about -- apart
from something about canals.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Before I went on holiday there were many obituaries for
George Macdonald Fraser. I had never heard of the
dude, but he was famous for writing the Flashman series
of books.
While I was in Borders in the center of Glasgow, I saw a single copy
of Flashman so since fate willed it I layed out some silver and got
some holiday reading. The book was set at the height of the British
Empire. Flashman gets expelled from the Rugby public school and joins
the army. He ends up fighting in Afghanistan. However, the main joke
is that Flashman is a bully, coward, and a womanizer (the kind of
person I have always wanted to be). So whenever there is any fighting
he always tries to run away, but somehow things always end up with him
being viewed as a hero, and all the real heros dead.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Bob Dylan and me
While I was in Spain I finally got around to reading
"Chronicles" by Bob Dylan. I had been putting off reading it,
because for some reason I thought it was going to be a tedious
"kiss and tell" type book. Well frankly I had lost faith
in Bob Dylan many years ago.
I grew up listening to Bob Dylan. In the early 80s this was
uncool for many reasons. At the time the charts were full of
Duran Duran. If I had been cool then, I would have been
listening to some arty post punk music, but I wasn't. Dylan was
viewed as a spent force. Although he had put the fantastic infidels album,
after a period of born again Christian music (that I actually quite
I didn't like the other albums he released in the rest of the 80s and
90s. Over the holiday period there was an article in Guardian about
various artists who were washed up, but still put albums out. The
examples were Rolling Stones and Paul McCartney (who has been crap for
over 30 years now). The author of the article used Dylan as an
example of an artist who was washed up, but somehow managed
to move back into the fore front of music/art. I wasn't convinced
by this, much as a like his albums after "Time Out Of Mind".
The book is really fantastic. It jumps between various periods of his
life. There are some scenes when he is just starting out in New
York. Also there are parts about when he was recording "Self Portrait"
and "Oh Mercy", neither of which are great albums. The stories he
tells about making the records are more interesting than the finished
music. When he was making "self portrait" he was hounded by people and
was missing a normal life. When he was working on "Oh Mercy" he was
feeling washed up as an artist.
It is so cleverly written. Of course I don't think you get
to see the real Dylan. There is still a lot of smoke and mirrors
around, but I would't have wanted it any other way.
Hey Bob Dylan you are back for me.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Head on
I think I am allergic to Doris Lessing's books. I almost ran out of
books while I was in Spain. Luckily I found a good second hand book store in
Nerja, thanks to the tourist office. On the dusty well filled shelves,
I found two books by Doris Lessing, but somehow I wasn't ready. OK,
she won the Nobel prize this year, but I just couldn't face it.
Instead I bought "Head on" by Julian Cope. This was the history
of the Liverpool punk scene, as seen through Julian's eyes. He was
in the "tear drop explodes" and the book ends up about Julian's
experiences in the band.
Although Julian Cope is now the "elder" statesman of cool and
underground music, he sounded like an annoying twat when he was
young. There was a lot of pages about him having temper tantrums. He
seemed to really hate "echo and the bunymen." I now know a bit more
about Eric's club in Liverpool where the punk bands used to play
around 79. Somehow when he started taking drugs, he became an easier
person to be with, even when he did things like rip up a carpet in a
Monday, January 14, 2008
bull fight
Last night I watched a bullfight. OK, it was on TV, but this is the twenty first century. There was a horseman who stuck spears into the back of the bull. The bull´s
neck was covered in blood. The horse ride would taunt the bull by reading close and trying to stroke its head as it charged. I watched two fights one by a man and another
by a woman. When they showed the audience it was clear that the bull ring was nearly empty, (much like an athletic event in the UK), but there were enough people to cheer and throw down leather gourds of wine. The woman bull fighter wasn´t very good at sticking the spear into the bulls neck. Either it would come out or it wouldn´t stick. AS more spears entered the bull, it got slower and slower. At some stage the bull collapsed and died. The matator circled the ring and proudly begged applause from the crowd.
There was some other kind of attack on the bull. One person on foot would provoke the bull. It would charge him. He would than grab the horns of the bull and other people
would pull the bull of them. I don´t think that this was an accident. (Although one time the bull shook the guy off and bashed him on the ground. I don´t think that was meant to happen.) There was some charging at capes, but that didn´t seem the main part of the show.
Even though that little TV screen has shown me much blood letting, it still didn´t feel right to see the bull get slaughtered in the ring.
Rain in Spain
How does the saying go, the rain in Spain stays mostly in the plane. Well I think not. Today it has been raining very heavily in the costal town of Nerja. I couldn´t tell
from CNN whether the wheather was worse in Glasgow (otherwise how else am I going to enjoy the remaining day of my holiday). The rain makes it difficult to read outside.
I am also running out of books, so I am going to have to look at the bookshop up the
road to see what English language offerings that they have.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
creative tension (not)
I was hoping that this holiday would be more relaxing than previous ones. All I do
is sit on benches read my book and then eat. So far it has not rained and has been
fairly warm. Since I have not tried to do anything, nothing has gone wrong so far.
I feel that I may be relaxing a little too much. A bit of stress helps progress.
The only English language show on TV is CNN. This seems to repeat so much that
it does my head in. They are still playing a segment about two brothers in Afghanistan who have drug problems. I saw the same segment last year in a hotel room in Germany.
I am trying to cultivate an image as a gangster. I am reading a book on streaming video, just so that people think I am so kind of technical porn king. The technical stuff on streaming video looks fairly complicated, not like they show on the CSI
TV program. At home I spend a lot of time trying to get realplayer to work with
firefox under linux. It work, then I may some minor change to firefox and I lose
access to the BBC radio shows.
Perhaps I will have some adventures in the afternoon. But first a spot of lunch.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Holiday in Spain
My last two trips out of Glasgow seemed to involve a lot of rain.
I don´t want to complain, but I do see a lot of rain in Glasgow, so
sometimes it is nice to go somewhere where I can see the sun. (Actually it
is nice to see the blue sky).
I am taking a couple of days in Nerja in Spain. This is a small town
near Malga. I really came here because it is cheap at this time of
year. My mum pointed out (somewhat bitterly) that it is one of her
favourite places. We had a family holiday here, over 20 years ago.
After I worked how to use cheap airlines I have been to Madrin and Barcelona,
but I have tried to stay away from the hard core tourist areas that the
British invade to get drunk in the sunshine. I felt I needed a break.
Nerja is a smaller town, so it is not one of the main tourist
areas for British holiday makers. I have heard a lot of English in the sreets.
It is an older crowd who are the tourists. So much less drunkardness, but
a lot of stopping in doorways.
I did laugh when I walked 5 yards outside my hotel and found
places where I could get an English breakfast. A pub close by
had the Tennants T sign. (I actully drink more San Miguel when I am in
Glasgow so drinking tennents would be a bit of change).
After spending the day lazing around in the sun and just looking
at the sea, I now kmow why British gangsters come here. I have mostly
just been reading all day.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Tesco has been selling Tusker beer from Kenya. Being an international
kind of dude, I bought a couple of Tusker beers. Particularly after I
noticed that the brewers of Tusker beer were running a promotion where
you could win a trip to Kenya. I kept buying the Tusker beer to help
win the competition, because sometimes you need a lot of product to
enter the competition, but in fact you only needed one bottle of beer.
So far so good. There is now major unrest in Kenya because
of the problems with elections. I posted off my application,
on Saturday, in some kind of hope that the trouble would be
over, when I would get my trip. I was watching TV. The police fired
live rounds on a demonstration. The people fled very quickly. I just can't
imagine how scared I would be running from automatic weapons.
Friday, January 04, 2008
white bicycles
I have just finished a great book called "white bicycles" by
Joe Boyd. Joe was a record producer in the 60s and ran the
famous UFO club in London (early hippy hang out). He produced
the first Pink Floyd single. He also discovered / produced
Nick Drake. So this guy has been around.
Boyd did the sound for Bob Dylan's famous performance at the
Newport folk festival in 1966. It was at that performance
than Dylan went electric. Poor old grumpy Pete Seeger got
very angry and kept asking for the volume to be turned down.
Dylan and his band only played 3 songs. Boyd started out
helping to promote traditional blues and jazz bands, so although
he was excited by what Dylan was doing, he also felt sad because
the Newport folk festival was meant to preserve folk traditions,
and Dylan helped destroy that a little bit. Although Boyd
didn't like people to be too traditional, because in some
sense it make the artists pander to audience expectations too much.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
The stake holding society
I finally finished reading "the stake holding society" by Will
Hutton. This was a collection of his essays, that were published up to
the first year that the nasty new labour people came to power.
Will Hutton is a famous journalist and the essays cover
a lot of ground.
Hutton is part of the new left in that he believe in higher taxation
and wealth redistribution that were concepts that disappeared when the
labour and conservative parties became just two different factions of
the global tory party. It was slightly depressing to read about the
early years of Blair's rule, because everyone was still optimistic
about the future. Hutton is pretty smart, but sometimes
I wondered whether a royal divorce could be linked to the economic
problems in the UK.
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