I drink a lot of tea, but when I go outside my flat
or office, I usually drink coffee. This is partly because
I like a change. One problem with drinking tea in Europe
is that they very rarely sell any decent tea in a cafe.
There is usually a vast choice of terrible fruit teas.
And then, as after thought for the odd British person who
might wander in, there is Earl Grey tea.
I will drink Earl Grey tea, but I don't really enjoy
it. I would much prefer a nice cup of harsh black English
tea. This is the real reason that the British don't feel
like we are part of Europe. After all our work on providing
a Universal language that glues together the continent, we
can't get a decent cup of tea, but are insulted by a nasty
cup of Earl Grey. This last week I found out, from the BBC, that Earl
Grey was actually a prime minster. His tea is still shit though.
In my the UK I sometimes like to drink hot orange. I made
this from concentrated orange juice. But I have been unable
to buy any concentrated orange juice in Germany. There is
no point in complaining, because the locals will just
point that concentrated orange juice is just full of
chemicals and probably no oranges. Then they will tell
again, "that English is food is shit."
So you can imagine my happiness that I found some powdered
orange juice, in my local supermarket, that I can use to
make a hot orange drink. Yummy -- you don't know what you are
missing Johnny foreigner.
I just need to find a way
to get bacon butties for breakfast.