It is just warm enough for me to need to have the window to my office open. Bits of white stuff floats through the window. This white stuff is also covering the steps up to the University. I read a lot o science fiction and that is starting to make me paranoid I think it is alien technology that is tying to absorb me.
Also I keep finding green worms on me. Am I being changed by an Alien virus that is causing me to bleed green worms. My life is like the Dr Who episode: the ark in space. I am watching this via Itunes and I am being converted into a bug, but where is Dr Who to save me?
People love their dogs in Wuppertal. Given that I have a 15 minute walk through a forest to get to work everyday, I see a lot of dogs. So normally I am used to getting barked at, but when I came out of work on Friday a German Shepard dog lunged for me and almost drew blood, while his owner paid more attention to his Handy.