Monday, December 31, 2007
The lost room
A couple of weeks ago I watched a DVD called
"the lost room". This was a box set for a TV
The lost room refers to a motel room that no longer exists. There
were a series of objects in the room that have special powers, such as
a key that could open any door, or a pair of scissors that could rotate
things. There were groups of people, known as collectors, trying to
get the objects. Some people thing the room and objects were
part of God.
Now that I look at the synopsis above it all looks a bit nerdy,
ok it looks very nerdy. But I think I would enjoy life a lot
more if I was searching for every day objects that had magical powers.
If you see me wistfully clicking a new pen, then I am actually testing
its magical properties, so I suggest you step back.
There were very few episode (approx 6), so I was disappointed when it
ended. I was talking to some people about DVDs in the pub. I noted
that box sets were worse than cocaine, because they soak up so much
time. (I would like to point out that I have never taken cocaine,
just in case some nasty human resource person is reading this).
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Can't stop Won't stop
I have just finished reading a book called "Can't stop. Won't
stop" by Jeff Chang. This book is a history of hip-hop, mostly
before 2000. It is one of the best music books I have ever read,
because it also deals with racism and being creative in a corporate
world. I now know who Afrika Bambaataa is and the importance
of Grand master Flash. The book contains a lot of interesting
material on political organization and compromises. When I read
about the million man march in Washington, I kept thinking that
I lived in the US then. My recollection of that event was through the
prism of the media.
Christmas wishes (not)
I can't say I am A great fan of Christianity.
The links my family have had with the church have never been a positive thing.
I have always regarded Christmas as a holiday from the
cold of winter. I usually send blank Christmas cards,
where I write "happy holidays". (Ok sometimes I forget
to write peoples names as well, because I am always in
a rush). Thanks to Dawkins I now know that I should wish
people "a happy Newton's day". Bah humbug!
Last year's resolutions

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Vodka from Liverpool
Friday, December 28, 2007
I have spent the last 5 days at my mum's house relaxing
and doing the Christmas holiday thing. I was talking
to my mum and brother about various technological things about
TV. In particular the merits of digital TV recorders. I
learnt how to use the joost internet TV while I was at home. Nice, but
the interface needs more work.
One of my other questions is what the f*ck is smileTV. It is
one of the freeview channels, but is only on from 3am to 7am.
As I get older I can't stay awake until 3am, but I am taunted
by the TV page when I switch channels. Umm now I know.
Physics under attack
Although this is not a science blog, I feel moved to comment on the
attack by the funding agency (STFC) on fundamental research into
particle physics in the UK.
Apart from the cuts in funding,
what is also particularly annoying is that STFC have a number of "big
questions" that are meant to focus research on important areas. The
older funding agency called PPARC had questions such as "what are the
basic properties of the fundamental particles and forces?", that
can be potentially answered. With a new funding agency comes new
big questions, the only one that is potentially relevant to particle
physics is "why is there a Universe?" What sort of question is
that? If you are nine years old then this is perhaps a reasonable
question, but it is hard to even know how to start answering
such a question. Who wrote that crappy STFC delivery document?
If you put "why is there a Universe" into google scholar (that
searches books and journals), then you only find that phrase in books
on theology, philosophy of science, and one entry in "Nursing
Administration Quarterly, 2000". If you search for the phrase "why is
there a Universe" using google you find hits from Hawking and string
theory people. So this question has nothing to do with physics,
reality or experiment. Things would be much simpler in the US,
where I would sue STFC because they broke the separation between
church and state. In the UK I can only complain to that nice Richard
Dawkins bloke, and let him spew some polemic at STFC.
Things don't seem and better in the US, where the accelerator
I have been focussing most of my phenomenological studies on has
just been cancelled. However the funding for a new machine has almost
been approved.
blood music
I know I keep promising to read at least one book by Doris Lessing
(from the two I already own). As a warm up, I read "blood music" by
Greg Bear. This is a great science fiction novel about a scientist
creating intelligent cells. He injected the cells into
himself, which frankly was a bit stupid. The novel works on many
levels and is full of ideas.
If you are wondering why reading "blood music" is a warm up to
reading Doris Lessing, I would like to point out that Lessing
is quoted on the wikipedia page about her as mentioning "blood music"
as evidence that science fiction is an important literary form.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
six the mark unleashed
I watched a fairly strange DVD called "six the mark unleashed".
I thought that this was an action movie. There was a resistance
movement who were fighting a supreme leader (by stealing cars).
Normally action movies such as this one, end with the leader
being overthrown, and everyone going off into the sunset.
This film was different. It seemed to involve a lot of Christians,
who were rebelling against the system by happily geting their
heads chopped off. Looking at the reviews I think I would have
got more out of the film, if I knew more about the bible, than that
Jesus turned water into wine.
Anyway this is what happens when you rent DVDs from the local
library at Hillhead. There was an offer on, that if you checked out
6 books, you could rent a DVD for free. Given that I hardly read at
the moment, this didn't seem like a good idea. (The cute librarian
didn't look pleased).
Monday, December 10, 2007
Mountain Goats
When I lived in Lexington Kentucky during the early
part of the 90s, I used to buy a lot of tapes
from the Shrimper Record label. The tapes were mostly
by lo fi folk bands. One of the bands I really liked were
called the Mountain Goats. Tonight, I am going to see the Mountain Goats
play at he Oran Mor venue that is just down the road from
me! I am so excited. Emmy the great is playing support as well,
so that will be cool.
When I was in Lexington I think I was hoping that
I could put one over John Peel by listening
to stuff he had never heard of. When I came back to the UK,
I heard that he played the mountain goats and Simon Joyner,
so there was really no way to beat the man. Of the bands signed to Shrimper, I
really liked "paste". Paste were some intense singer and complaining guitar.
I was happy to see that the Shrimper Record label lives on (in a sense).
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