Friday, December 28, 2007
Physics under attack
Although this is not a science blog, I feel moved to comment on the
attack by the funding agency (STFC) on fundamental research into
particle physics in the UK.
Apart from the cuts in funding,
what is also particularly annoying is that STFC have a number of "big
questions" that are meant to focus research on important areas. The
older funding agency called PPARC had questions such as "what are the
basic properties of the fundamental particles and forces?", that
can be potentially answered. With a new funding agency comes new
big questions, the only one that is potentially relevant to particle
physics is "why is there a Universe?" What sort of question is
that? If you are nine years old then this is perhaps a reasonable
question, but it is hard to even know how to start answering
such a question. Who wrote that crappy STFC delivery document?
If you put "why is there a Universe" into google scholar (that
searches books and journals), then you only find that phrase in books
on theology, philosophy of science, and one entry in "Nursing
Administration Quarterly, 2000". If you search for the phrase "why is
there a Universe" using google you find hits from Hawking and string
theory people. So this question has nothing to do with physics,
reality or experiment. Things would be much simpler in the US,
where I would sue STFC because they broke the separation between
church and state. In the UK I can only complain to that nice Richard
Dawkins bloke, and let him spew some polemic at STFC.
Things don't seem and better in the US, where the accelerator
I have been focussing most of my phenomenological studies on has
just been cancelled. However the funding for a new machine has almost
been approved.