It is nearly the new year, so it is time to make some new years
resolutions. I pulled myself from my lethargy on the couch, limped to
the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. My blood shot eyes,
and beer destroyed body, shimmered with stress, and told me in the no
uncertain terms that my dreams of a modelling career were finally
over. But I thought what new years resolution could improve my
elagantly wasted appearance.
Last year my new years resolution was "going more mainstream".
Instead of snorting when someone mentions that they like the
killers or snow patrol, I was going to try smile and fake some
interest in that person, even though they didn't deserve
my attention.
Anyway somehow hating the killers is hardwired into
my brain, so that resolution lasted about 5 seconds. Also after
reading Cope's last book on underground Japanese bands, I had to buy
the CD
Satori by the flower travellin band. When I heard
the first track, I was disappointed because I thought it would make my
head explode. After the second listen I think it is incredible.
Even better, the CD cover for Satori claim that only 1000 copies
were made. I have copy number 188. Fu*k mainstream music!