Monday, December 31, 2007
The lost room
A couple of weeks ago I watched a DVD called
"the lost room". This was a box set for a TV
The lost room refers to a motel room that no longer exists. There
were a series of objects in the room that have special powers, such as
a key that could open any door, or a pair of scissors that could rotate
things. There were groups of people, known as collectors, trying to
get the objects. Some people thing the room and objects were
part of God.
Now that I look at the synopsis above it all looks a bit nerdy,
ok it looks very nerdy. But I think I would enjoy life a lot
more if I was searching for every day objects that had magical powers.
If you see me wistfully clicking a new pen, then I am actually testing
its magical properties, so I suggest you step back.
There were very few episode (approx 6), so I was disappointed when it
ended. I was talking to some people about DVDs in the pub. I noted
that box sets were worse than cocaine, because they soak up so much
time. (I would like to point out that I have never taken cocaine,
just in case some nasty human resource person is reading this).
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Can't stop Won't stop
I have just finished reading a book called "Can't stop. Won't
stop" by Jeff Chang. This book is a history of hip-hop, mostly
before 2000. It is one of the best music books I have ever read,
because it also deals with racism and being creative in a corporate
world. I now know who Afrika Bambaataa is and the importance
of Grand master Flash. The book contains a lot of interesting
material on political organization and compromises. When I read
about the million man march in Washington, I kept thinking that
I lived in the US then. My recollection of that event was through the
prism of the media.
Christmas wishes (not)
I can't say I am A great fan of Christianity.
The links my family have had with the church have never been a positive thing.
I have always regarded Christmas as a holiday from the
cold of winter. I usually send blank Christmas cards,
where I write "happy holidays". (Ok sometimes I forget
to write peoples names as well, because I am always in
a rush). Thanks to Dawkins I now know that I should wish
people "a happy Newton's day". Bah humbug!
Last year's resolutions

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Vodka from Liverpool
Friday, December 28, 2007
I have spent the last 5 days at my mum's house relaxing
and doing the Christmas holiday thing. I was talking
to my mum and brother about various technological things about
TV. In particular the merits of digital TV recorders. I
learnt how to use the joost internet TV while I was at home. Nice, but
the interface needs more work.
One of my other questions is what the f*ck is smileTV. It is
one of the freeview channels, but is only on from 3am to 7am.
As I get older I can't stay awake until 3am, but I am taunted
by the TV page when I switch channels. Umm now I know.
Physics under attack
Although this is not a science blog, I feel moved to comment on the
attack by the funding agency (STFC) on fundamental research into
particle physics in the UK.
Apart from the cuts in funding,
what is also particularly annoying is that STFC have a number of "big
questions" that are meant to focus research on important areas. The
older funding agency called PPARC had questions such as "what are the
basic properties of the fundamental particles and forces?", that
can be potentially answered. With a new funding agency comes new
big questions, the only one that is potentially relevant to particle
physics is "why is there a Universe?" What sort of question is
that? If you are nine years old then this is perhaps a reasonable
question, but it is hard to even know how to start answering
such a question. Who wrote that crappy STFC delivery document?
If you put "why is there a Universe" into google scholar (that
searches books and journals), then you only find that phrase in books
on theology, philosophy of science, and one entry in "Nursing
Administration Quarterly, 2000". If you search for the phrase "why is
there a Universe" using google you find hits from Hawking and string
theory people. So this question has nothing to do with physics,
reality or experiment. Things would be much simpler in the US,
where I would sue STFC because they broke the separation between
church and state. In the UK I can only complain to that nice Richard
Dawkins bloke, and let him spew some polemic at STFC.
Things don't seem and better in the US, where the accelerator
I have been focussing most of my phenomenological studies on has
just been cancelled. However the funding for a new machine has almost
been approved.
blood music
I know I keep promising to read at least one book by Doris Lessing
(from the two I already own). As a warm up, I read "blood music" by
Greg Bear. This is a great science fiction novel about a scientist
creating intelligent cells. He injected the cells into
himself, which frankly was a bit stupid. The novel works on many
levels and is full of ideas.
If you are wondering why reading "blood music" is a warm up to
reading Doris Lessing, I would like to point out that Lessing
is quoted on the wikipedia page about her as mentioning "blood music"
as evidence that science fiction is an important literary form.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
six the mark unleashed
I watched a fairly strange DVD called "six the mark unleashed".
I thought that this was an action movie. There was a resistance
movement who were fighting a supreme leader (by stealing cars).
Normally action movies such as this one, end with the leader
being overthrown, and everyone going off into the sunset.
This film was different. It seemed to involve a lot of Christians,
who were rebelling against the system by happily geting their
heads chopped off. Looking at the reviews I think I would have
got more out of the film, if I knew more about the bible, than that
Jesus turned water into wine.
Anyway this is what happens when you rent DVDs from the local
library at Hillhead. There was an offer on, that if you checked out
6 books, you could rent a DVD for free. Given that I hardly read at
the moment, this didn't seem like a good idea. (The cute librarian
didn't look pleased).
Monday, December 10, 2007
Mountain Goats
When I lived in Lexington Kentucky during the early
part of the 90s, I used to buy a lot of tapes
from the Shrimper Record label. The tapes were mostly
by lo fi folk bands. One of the bands I really liked were
called the Mountain Goats. Tonight, I am going to see the Mountain Goats
play at he Oran Mor venue that is just down the road from
me! I am so excited. Emmy the great is playing support as well,
so that will be cool.
When I was in Lexington I think I was hoping that
I could put one over John Peel by listening
to stuff he had never heard of. When I came back to the UK,
I heard that he played the mountain goats and Simon Joyner,
so there was really no way to beat the man. Of the bands signed to Shrimper, I
really liked "paste". Paste were some intense singer and complaining guitar.
I was happy to see that the Shrimper Record label lives on (in a sense).
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Fool moon
I keep meaning to read something by Doris Lessing,
mostly because I bought some of her books, so
I should make an attempt to read them now that she is
a Nobel prize winner.
However instead I spent part of the weekend reading Fool Moon
by Jim Butcher. The book was part of the Dresden files
series. The story is about wizard versus werewolves
in modern Chicago. The book is not great literature,
but is well written with a lot of hooks that occur
at the end of chapters.
It is good to be reading fiction again. I will get
around to reading some books by Lessing soon.
Janis Joplin
A couple of nights ago I had a dream where Janis Joplin was not
dead. In the dream I was reading a WIKIPEDIA article about Joplin.
She made some records with Led Zeppelin during the 70s.
I used to listen to a tape by Janis when I was 17 or 18.
We also taped a documentary about Janis and used to watch
that in rotation with a documentary about Phil Ochs.
Anyway I was pretty sure that Janis Joplin overdosed,
but I used to be fairly drunk when I watchd the film about
Joplin, so perhaps I missed something.
The last time I thought about Janis Joplin was when I
heard Cohen say that his Chelsea hotel song was
about Janis Joplin. In fact, it looks like all my
information about Janis Joplin comes from the TV.
This is what used to happen in the days before the
I can feel a quest coming on to find Janis Joplin.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Are you ready for the LHC?
Are you ready for the LHC? Hey, forget about tuning your
Monte Carlo, what you should be reading is the book
"keeping it real" by Justina Robson.
In 2015 the quantum bomb opened up the world to
the realm of Elves, demons and some other things.
The quantum bomb was caused by the explosion of
the superconducting supercollider in Texas. Umm,
yes, perhaps if she had done a little more web surfing
she would have found that that accelerator had been
cancelled in the early 90s. I don't see any acknowledgements,
but perhaps Brian Cox was involved as a consultant,
and he was able to help with his legendary grasp
of particle physics.
The book was a mixture of fantasy and cyberpunk. The heroine
is a cyborg. Science fiction is very different
to fantasy (please don't get the two confused). This cross-genre
was good, because it mixed scifi with fantasy elements such as magic and
When I made my new years resolutions this year, I decided
to try and move my interests more into the main stream
of culture. For example when I am talking with an
attractive woman and she happens to mention that she likes
James Blunt, I was hoping to move way from snorting
"you like the bland music that fu*king w*nker makes"?
I thought that kind of outburst would hurt any
potential relationship.
Somehow the Satan tempted me to buy the book "Japrockersampler"
by Julian Cope. Julian's book is about the Japanese underground
music scene, in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Julian claimed that the
Japanese music scene was less influenced by drugs, than what
happened in the US/UK. It was interesting to read how the Japanese bands
were influenced by the music coming from the US.
Anyway, rather helpfully Cope provided a list of the top 50
albums by Japanese bands. Top of the list is a CD called
Satori by Flower Travelling' Band. Well I have saved money by
not buying CDs by Blunt so I deserve a treat,
Saturday, November 10, 2007
metal machine
I have decided I am an atonal type of guy. On the freakzone radio show
last week, the featured album was Metal Machine by Zeitkratzer. This
was an orchestral version of Lou Reed's Metal Machine, that he
released in the mid 70s. Many people view the original metal machine
as unlistenable, including me (although I didn't try). However the
orchestral version sounded so fantastic that I have just bought a
copy. However, the new version of metal machine will still clear
emmy the great
I went out to see "Emmy the great" play at King Tuts
in Glasgow last Friday. I don't go out to gigs that
much these days, so I couldn't decide whether to go or not.
I did decide that an evening of mucic and beer would do me good.
The other times I have been to King Tuts it has been
packed out, but it was fairly empty when I got there.
(Most people were in the bar downstairs and slowly drifted
up as the support acts played).
One of the support acts was ballboy. I bought one of their
CDs, maybe about 5 years ago, because it was championed a lot
by John Peel. Also the CD had a song about a big fat stupid
Manchester United fan, so the Gods of Liverpool forced me
to buy it. I had thought that Ballboy was a band, but last
Friday, it was just one guy strumming his guitar. I really
enjoyed his set thought, because is was full of word filled
Emmy the great were great. I had heard them play a session
on Marc Riley's Rocket Science. She sings controlled, sweet,
and intense songs. She is Chinese, but the music is not
Chinese traditional (I had to explain that too a number of people
this week).
There is a review of the same gig by someone at the Guardian.
A bit wordy and pretentious for my taste.
You can listen to Emmy the Great and decide for your self.
Interestingly enough Emmy the great are playing a venue close to
my flat tonight. More importantly she is playing Glasgow with
the "mountain goats" on 10th December. I used to buy low-fi tapes
by the mountain goats.
too pretty

Sunday, November 04, 2007
die hard 4.0
I watched Die Hard 4.0 on DVD on Thursday
night. It was entertaining enough. They do
all this fancy stunt work, but then there was
a scene in the car that was clearly done
with a blue screen. Other scenes were done
in a real car. I payed 2.50 to rent that DVD,
I don't expect to see blatant blue screen
books about wizards
Last week I read a book called Storm Front by
Jim Butcher. The book was about the adventures
of Harry Dresden, a wizard in the Chicago area
who solves occult murder mysteries. This is not high
art, but the book was well written in an addictive way.
(I don't think the book was a Harry Potter rip off, because
I am too cool to read such stuff).
Trouble is there is a whole series of these books.
I am reading so few books at the moment to get involved
in reading a series of books for mere enjoyment.
I should really make a start on one of the Doris Lessing
books I own. Perhaps I will just order one more book
by Dresden.
I have just finished reading Rashomon by Ryunosuke Akutagawa.
This was a collection of short stories by a famous Japanese
writer. There is a great film called Rashomon, that starts
with a man walking in some trees. The book makes an appearance
in the film "ghost dog" as well.
A good piece of writing can warm my soul for a long
time. I could feel the influence of a story called
"hell screen" for a couple of days. There was a lot of ambiguity about
the story, which describes a terrible but fascinating event.
Ryunosuke changed writing styles later on his life. He started
by writing historical stories, but later the stories were
more autobiographical (set in the early part of the twentieth century).
The last story was called "spinning gears". It involved him just jotting
down things he felt and saw, some of which may have been real.
He was so sensitive and depressed. I feel the same way when I have
not talked to anyone for a couple of days.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I speak out on world music

holiday reading
I managed to do some reading while I was on my travels.
I read double vision by Tricia Sullivan. I didn't
realize when I bought it, but I had also read
one of her other books called Maul (yeah well this happens
when you buy books based on liking the cover). This was
a strange book. A woman had a job that involved watching
a battle on far away planet that may not be happening.
The company she worked for used her information to market
products in some unspecified away. At some stage she stopped
eating. After work she was also going to karate classes.
She gave one of the best descriptions about being in
the lower levels of a martial arts club. She was sparring
some senior student who was "injured", so she didn't allow
the weaker student to hit many targets.
I know how to have fun when I am on holiday, because
I also finished "concepts of mass" by Max Jammer.
This was a historical and philosophical to the concept
of mass in physics. I enjoyed the historical parts
more than the parts on the concept of mass after
relativity had been introduced. Some of the contemporary stuff Jammer
thought was interesting is now viewed as crap (by me at least).
I also read "Rim" by Alexander Besher while I was on my
Polish trip. This was about virtual reality with a bit
of Tibetan mysticism thrown in. Neo-Tokyo disappeared every
night after some big earthquake. A big virtual reality
system crashed and put a lot of people in a coma. Yep, lots
of good geeky stuff.
Polish vodka
I was on a vodka quest. I wanted to try some Polish vodka. There was
none in Tesco. I deaded going to oddbins and asking for Polish
Vodka. Then they would ask "what brand?", and I would ask for the
cheapest bottle. Anyway I found that the Somerfields supermarket
sells Polish vodka I am so classy sometimes, I surprise myself.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
conclusion to Warsaw trip
So to conclude my tale of my trip to Warsaw. Have I learnt
anything? Am I a better person for seeing a small section
of Poland?
Of course I have not changed one little bit. I am now more interested
in vodka. I am not sure I will be able to drink Smirnoff (not that I
did that much anyway). I like the idea of becoming a vodka snob in the
land of whisky. I did buy a bottle of absolute citrus vodka
in Tesco. Tesco don't sell any Polish vodka. I will have to try
odbins for vodka from Eastern Europe. In the past, I have had some
bad experiences drinking spirits at home. Now I have some
small shot glasses, things may go better this time. I like
the idea of drinking a shot of icy Polish vodka with a sausage.
Some people may not regard my trip to Poland as a success.
Warsaw IV
On Saturday I didn't feel like doing the tourist thing.
It wasn't raining. There are some nice parks and palaces
in Warsaw, but I didn't feel like seeing some green trees
and sh*t.
I wandered around where the hotel was. I found a big shopping
mall. There were a surprising large number of bike paths around.
In the evening I had a traditional Polish meal of sushi and
sake at a restaurant in the Mall. I watched a dubbed kung fu movie
at night. The film had an American comedian who
inserted himself an old style kung fu movie from China.
This was then dubbed into Polish, so it was a bit weird.
When I waiting for the Taxi at 5:00 in the morning, I watched
a Samurai movie. At the end of the film a Samurai cut
a tree with blossom with his sword. A perfect (if somewhat strange)
way to end a holiday.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Warsaw III
On Friday I went into Warsaw to do some sightseeing. The hotel was
about 5 km from the center of Warsaw. I asked at reception and they
told me some information about a good bus to get me to the action. It
rained fairly steadily on Friday, so that is not optimal weather to
wonder around a city. I got on the bus OK, and payed by the
traditional way, when you can't speak any of the local language, of
offering the driver some coins and letting him give me a ticket.
I looked at the rainy city out of the bus window. At some stage,
the view looked centerish, so I decided to get off. I wondered
around for a couple of hours. I was aiming to go the old town,
but somehow I kept getting my left and right mixed up.
Warsaw is a big city. The main part is not ugly, but it is
not particularly interesting. There were obviously "MacDondalds",
but I didn't see the standard Boots, Waterstones, and Tesco stores,
that stain every single British town. At lunch I had a kebab.
The old town is meant to be the more interesting part of the city. The
map I was given at the tourist information site started playing mind
games with me and I just couldn't find the old time. The rain was
getting on my nerves as well. Normally I would have gone to a mesuem
or something, but when I went to what looked like a museum, it was
actually an IMAX cinema. (Damm that map of Warsaw). Eventually, I had
to seek inspration from a glas of Polish beer in a local bar Just I
was about to go and find a taxi, I suddenly found that I was moving
into an older area. Warsaw was largely destroyed during the second
world war, so the old section of the city is largely rebuild in the
style of the old city. It has lots of cobbled streets where no nasty
cars are allowed. This is the area where the British stag nights
happen I believe.
I had a meat and potato type meal in a bar. Apparently,
flavored Vodka is a Polish specialty. I tried a shot of Cherry
vodka. It tasted like cough medicine. (I had a sudden vision
of the man throwing up what looked like cough medicine onto
the streets of Glasgow at the start of this trip). I banged my hand
onto the table to keep the flow of time forward and flash
back free. I got a taxi back to the hotel.
I went to the garage over the road from the hotel
to get beer. Many Poles were doing the same. Later
on I did hear, what sounded like wolves howling outside,
but I never let a minor thing like that get in way of buying
beer. The next day I saw black crows circulating
the garage. I am considered a hero by many people.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Warsaw II
My flight was scheduled to land in Warsaw at 18:00. When I booked my
hotel from Expedia, I found that they had an option to get driven to
the hotel from the Airport. It seemed a bit expensive, but as I was
only going to be in Warsaw for 3 nights, I didn't want the stress of
trying to figure how to get to my hotel, and the self loathing from
getting ripped off by the taxi ride.. When I got into departures,
there was a guy with my name on it. I almost stood up and shouted,
"that mcneile is such a hot shot" to the hot Polish babes. In the
car, I missed the feeling of quiet despair as you wait in an unfamilar
taxi, hoping that you will be taken to the hotel, rather to some dark
alley for a good kicking. At least if I got murdered in a car ride
purchased from Expedia, I could at least sue.
I booked to stay at the Atos hotel in Warsaw. This seemed like a good
idea when I was saw the price was 24 pounds a night, but it is really
a hotel at the edge of the city. There is no wireless Internet access.
The information claimed that there was a bistro and a bar. I couldn't
find the bar or bistro. I had not eaten all day, so I needed food.
Being a skilled traveller I had noticed a steady stream of people
walking over to the garage over the road. So I followed them and found
beer, chocolate, and hot dogs, so I will not starve during my visit
I did find the bar eventually that was in a separate building There
were 3 people in the bar. I ordered beer, but I wanted vodka. Baring
in mind that this hotel complex has 3 buildings each of which has 10
floors with 20 rooms, then just having 3 people in the bar, says
something about the Polish pub culture.
There is nothing much around here. If I wanted to buy a car, I would
be OK. I think I saw a Macdonalds 1 km away. So ended my first
day in Warsaw.
Warsaw I
After almost hitting a number of deadlines at work,
my body decided to hit the exhaustion button. So I needed
a break outside Glasgow. Whizz air fly from Prestwick airport to
Warsaw, so since I have never been to Poland, here I am.
I had to do some chores in Glasgow before I left. I walking behind
some guy who was casually throwing up all over the street. This was at
10:00 in the morning. What worried me the most was that his puke
looked green and purple, like some cough or methadone medicine. He was
not bothering anyone, but was walking in the same direction as
me. Anyway he got on a bus going to the city center. I didn't view
this as a good omen for the start of a holiday, where the temptation
of Polish vodka will be ever present.
I the went for a hair cut. The woman who was cutting my hair was
complaining a little bit about her boyfriend who had fallen off
his motor bike for the fifth time. As I am the kind of person who can
fall over in the street and hurt themselves just walking about,
I doubted that I would be much of an improvement (apart from
not having to pay for the bike repairs). I am not good around
happy people. She was telling me about a holiday in Paris. I have been
to Paris for a conference, but I was depressed on my day off,
because of what had happened at the conference. I decided that this
wasn't going to help the faltering conversation along.
Anyway I got to the airport with no problems, and I ended up in Warsaw.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
2 Miike Takashi DVDs
I rented two DVDs directed by Miike Takashi from
the library. Takashi is famous for films such as
"audition" and "ichi the killer", that are the most
violent thing I have ever seen.
The first film I watched was Ley Lines. This was a film about three
Chinese youths who move to Tokoyo and get involved with gangs.
These are clealy Takashi films, but everything is more grimy
and real. But you can the beginnings of the weirdness and
violence. I liked the start, where one of the youths is trying
to get a work permir or something, he gets rejected, so he throws
a big potted plant over the counter.
The second DVD was called "Rainy Dog". THis was about a hitman,
who has a son dropped off with him. The action was set in Taiwan,
where it rains a lot. This was probably one of the best action
films I have ever seen, even though it was very bleak and cheap.
It also contains a scene where a father is shot in front
of his child. The killer then says, "if you want you can
come after me, when you get older.". Umm, that is strange that
is very similar to a scene in Kill Bill volume I. I am sure
that Tarrintino meant it as a homage and not a rip off in any way.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I finished a book called "sleepfaring" by Jim Horne. This was a book
about the science of sleep. The book loops over the research about
sleep. I learnt that you don't need to pay back much sleep debt. I
probably need an extra 15 to 30 minutes a night to fine tune my sleep
At the moment I am dead tired that is more exhaustion
that additional hours of sleep will not help. I am going on holiday
to Warsaw next weekend, so that should help freshen me up.
He doesn't have a lot of time for people who have insomnia.
The scary stuff was about people who fall asleep at the wheel
and problems with having a fat neck.
Hillhead library
I took the day off today to do normal stuff. For example I joined
Hillhead libary. I have always loved libraries. I used to use the
library in Knutsford a lot, although I was never a superhuge
reader. Part of the problem that that books were not really part of my
family experience. My evil father did like books by Wilbur Smith, but
the less said about that the better. You need a reading guide
sometimes. I found a book by Kafka in Knutsford library,
and that warped and mutated by synapses. I can still see the bookshelf
where my hand pulled "America" down.
The huge University libraries tend to depress me, because there are usually
just too many books and I get overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge. Of course,
the University libraries still don't always have the books I need so I
end up buying my own copy. The contradiction here is removed because some
technical books are crap and not useful to me.
Anyway Hillhead library is a small library. They have a good selection
of fiction books. I have joined and this is what I checked out:
Ley Lines (DVD), Rainy Dog (DVD), Rashomon (book).
Anyway Hillhead library is a small library. They have a good selection
of fiction books. I have joined and this is what I checked out:
Ley Lines (DVD), Rainy Dog (DVD), Rashomon (book).
OK, so I got two DVD as well, but look the films were directed
by Miike Takashi. The book Rashomon I believe was the basis
of the Akira Kurosawa film of the same name. The book also featured
in the film Ghost dog, although the main book that influences
Ghost dog is "book of the Samuri". I was going to buy the Rashomon
book from Amazon, so I saved five pounds. Well I would have saved
five pounds, but for the 6 pounds I spent on checking out
the DVDs.
I can also rent a DVD about making cocktails from
the library. "Sex on the beach" anyone?. I can see my
mind improving, once the bottles of vodka, rum, and gin
are in my cupboards.
Capital Ideas and Market Realities
This week I finished the book "Capital Ideas and Market
Realities" by Bruce Jacobs. This was a set of essays
about modern finance. Bruce was complaining about
"Portfolio Insurance". This is a strategy to
move from stocks into safer cash or bonds, when
the stock market starts to go into decline. This
is meant to help stop loses. This is theoretical
idea behind automated selling that was a cause of the stock
market crash in 1986. I am still learning the financial
jargon, but the book was a good introduction to
the ideas of financial mathematics
Air by Geoff Ryman
Hey ring the church bells for I have finished reading
a book! While I was away somewhere I read Air by Geoff Ryman.
This is a book about the effect of a new type of wireless
network that plugs into people's brains. The story is about
the effect of this new Internet on the lives of a remote village close
to China. There was a small amount of science fiction in
it, but it was mostly about the effect of the Internet
on a small rural village. Although this Internet was easier
to use than the one we have. I enjoyed this clever book. The copyright
for the book is 2004, so it is post the first dotcom bubble.
some unread books by Doris Lessing
When I tried to follow literature in some way I decided
to try and read something by the person who won the
Nobel Prize in literature for that year. The first year I
tried this I read "A Personal Matter" by Kenzaburo Oe.
I thought the book was fantastic, but the review
of the book on Amazon makes me feel like a crude guy.
The next year a poet won the Nobel prize in literature,
so I easily gave up on my quest for self improvement.
This year Doris Lessing has won the Nobel prize in Literature. I
already own two Lessing books: The good terrorist and the golden
notebook. Needless to say I had not read either of them. Now that my
half shattered brain is rested enough, I think I can blast through
some new books. We shall see.
I am pleased that Lessing has won the prize, because she
has a streak of science fiction in her. Anyway I just glad
that nasty Salmon Rushdie didn't win. He is too loved by
the literary establishment, and I didn't get "Midnight's Children"
Sunday, October 07, 2007
PJ Harvey and me

public enemy versus PJ Harvey
When I was growing up I listend a lot to
public enemy. They just had such a fantastic sound,
that was both positive and gun related.
I don't tend to buy a lot of hiphop or rap, but that
is because I never know who to buy. The closest to hiphop
I have been recently is Mike Skinner's the streets (that I really
love). I don't know why I don't listen to too much hiphop:
the guns, drugs, loose women, and guns are so relevant to
my life.
Anyway I heard a public enemy track on the radio, so I
went out and got the new album:
How You Sell Soul To A Souless People Who Sold Their Soul
I still love their sound. I got PJ Harveys latest CD at
the same time, but I put public enemy on first.
Two walks in Ruchill park in Glasgow
Now that I am slowly finishing off various deadlines,
I have been trying to take it a bit easy. Behind me there
is a big park. I would not have noticed it, until I looked
for my flat on google maps.
View Larger Map The name of the park is Ruchill park. I went for a walk there today (and last Sunday too). It is a big park, but it is almost deserted. There are way less people in Ruchill park than there are in Kelvingrove park, or the Botanic gardens. I walked up a hill on my own and looked at unkempt bushes. The first person I met last week, was carrying a bottle of Tennants, but wasn't a tramp. Its a good place to die I thought, there are so few people that muggers can get your cash and slit your veins before anyone notices your screams. There was a good climing frame, that was 4 or 5 m high. There is a good view at the top of the hill. Through the high rise buildings you can see the hills. Also the University of Glasgow looks grand.
View Larger Map The name of the park is Ruchill park. I went for a walk there today (and last Sunday too). It is a big park, but it is almost deserted. There are way less people in Ruchill park than there are in Kelvingrove park, or the Botanic gardens. I walked up a hill on my own and looked at unkempt bushes. The first person I met last week, was carrying a bottle of Tennants, but wasn't a tramp. Its a good place to die I thought, there are so few people that muggers can get your cash and slit your veins before anyone notices your screams. There was a good climing frame, that was 4 or 5 m high. There is a good view at the top of the hill. Through the high rise buildings you can see the hills. Also the University of Glasgow looks grand.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Day watch
I went out see the film called "Day Watch" last night. This
was a Russian film mostly set in Moscow. What was it about?
Good question, I wasn't so clear what was going on. There
were forces of good versus the forces of darkness. There was a
truce of some kind. Moscow got destroyed, but they turned
time back with the 'chalk of destiny'.
Anyway it was a reasonable action fantasy film set in
Russia. The film is the second part of a trilogy.
The first film was called Night watch.
Monday, October 01, 2007
The equation that couldn't be solved
When I was a graduate student at Edinburgh during
a seminar by someone in the maths department.
He mentioned that he had an 8th order polynomial
to solve, so he said "so by an elementary application
of Galois theory I factored the polynomial in two
quartic equations." Woow.
We were all deeply impressed by this. (Of course I would
have just used maple to solve the equations numerically).
I have always felt that I should be able to solve equations by Galois
theory. I have just read the book "The equation that couldn't be
solved" by Livio. This is a popular mathematics book about Galois's
theory. There was a lot of generic stuff about symmetry in the
book. As usual strings make an unwelcome appearance. Galois died young
in a duel, so he is a romantic figure as well.
There wasn't enough detail for me to understand why
there is no closed solution to polynomials with order
higher than 4. I should have read the 79 pages
of Galois theory by Emil Artin instead. This is
a more hard core book on sums.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The unfairground
I have been listening a lot to the latest
Kevin Ayers CD called "the unfairground".
Kevin Ayers has an interesting career history,
he was in the same scene as Syd Barret. He had
not made an album for over ten years. The new CD is
so catch and fresh. I can still feel the songs when I walk
into work.
Scott Walker 30 century man
I watched the DVD "Scott Walker 30 century man".
This is a documentary about the singer/artist Scott Walker.
He started out in a boy band, but ended up as an experimental
artist. I love Scott's rich voice and the way he always
used to wear sun glasses.
Julian Cope released a compilation record of his work
during the 80s. So he invited on the film, but Julian
doesn't appear in font of the camera, so they showed
his email instead. Julian is always so cool.
Perhaps I will check out some of Walker's later experimental
Friday, September 28, 2007
not a review of death proof
I have been feeling realy burnt out recently. One of the
ways I like to relax is to go and watch some a film.
There is a new Tarantino film out called Death proof.
This is a film about a stunt man who kills women, and then
maybe gets killed by women in some way.
I am not a high brow kind of person. Trash is my middle name. I felt
better after watching "shoot em up" last week, but I really couldn't
face going to see this film. Somehow I get annoyed that a big
hollywood company would make an exploitation film.
Instead I went home and watched a DVD called "Blade house of Chthon".
This was a straight to DVD film about the blade vampire killer. It was
actually better than blade III. THis looked like a TV series film,
because it ended in a strange way. Thanks to google I found
it was a pilot for a TV show that got cancelled.
Never let it be said that I am not a man of principle.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
airport security
Advice to new bloggers.
I have been keeping this BLOG for over 3 years now,
so I am entitled to give some advice for new bloggers.
One thing that is very IMPORTANT is that you don't
write anything that might stop you getting a job. The
human resources departments usually have nothing
better to do than than surf the web and send people
word documents. So I humbly suggest that blogging
that smoking a garden of blow is your main hobby
is probably not a good idea, if your goal in life
is to be corporate. (This shouldn't be a problem
if you want to sell fast food and stay up late watching
Also I would stay clear of talking about controversial subjects. For
example I would never consider writing a blog post about
necrophilia. This is not really a problem because I don't really know
anything about necrophilia. Of course there was that Soutpark program
about the kids stealing the corpse of somebody's grandmother for some
zany reason. When the police are telling the family about the lost of
the corpse, the police make some very tasteless remarks about
necrophilia. In the UK, this had people ringing in to complain.
This must be one of the reasons that we can't see southpark
on terrestrial.
I did watch the DVD "visitor Q", directed by Takashi Miike,
that had a long segment about necrophilia in a green house.
Given the type of films that Miike directs, this was pretty
tame, by his standards.
I could of course research necrophilia by reading
a wikepedia article, but you can't believe everything
you read on the Internet. Some things need to be experienced.
I did have a dream about having sex with someone who was
tied up. I was pretty shocked by this and woke up immediately.
The only part of my action film script has two hit men
killing a woman. So this is part of the script (I own the copyright)
Bang, bang the woman dies,
Hitman 1, says "she's dead."
Hitman 2, says "oh well waste not, want not", and starts
to pull down his trousers.
Hitman 1, says "what are doing man."
Hitman 2, says "but she is still warm. I don't like it
whan I have to talk about Eastenders, and they wriggle around
when we are doing it".
Hitman 1, says "put your trousers back on or I will kill you".
Hitman 2, says "ok, ok, man your so weird".
The two hit men exist stage left.
I am a bit stuck on the next 87 minutes of the film,
but there is clearly enough to hook Tarantino
in to direct it.
Anyway if you follow my advice you will be able
to keep bloggng and hold a job.
blog in search of a theme
I was staring at the vortex of the toilet, trying to
get my head in the mood for another day. I am so stressed
that I have been unable to think of anything to blog about.
The toilet bowl mouthed back "you have got Bloggers block",
but your pooh is still runny, frequent and smelly.
Ten minutes later I had an idea for a posting. I can still
do this, I thought. I am not just a broken shell with all
the creative juices lost in a pub toilet somewhere.
Then I went to work. I got back home an hour ago.
I looked at the keyboard, and I had this vague feeling
that I had something to type.
I remember reading about some young genius, who wrote
poetry, but he didn't have enough life experience
to write about the world, so was reduced to writing poems
called "poem in search of a theme".
Anyway I have remembered what I was going to talk about.
In the online guardian there was an article about
broadband from the grave. Essentially you get a web site
when you are dead, so you can record content and email, and send
it tour family and friends when you are dead.
It reminded me about a conversation I had with someone over
10 years ago. We were asking what happens to a persons
web site when they are dead? There should be a graveyard
of web sites. Effectively this already happens with myspace,
because many of the people on my friends list are actually
dead. They still manage to post video and pictures, and that
makes me very proud.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I started this post sitting in a hotel room in a town called Venray
in the Netherlands. Why was I there you may ask? Good question.
I took a plane to Dusseldorf airport to go to a conference.
I used ryanair, and the Dusseldorf/Weeze airport turns out
to be 70 km from Dusseldorf. I stayed in Venray because it
was closer to the airport.
When I got off the plane last Sunday I noticed that there
were many people actually sleeping in the airport.
Venray is a nice town. I arrived there in the afternoon
and went for a walk in the city center. There were lots
of nice cafes with seats outside. Cafe culture, so
Later in the evening I went for a walk. Many of the street
cafes were closed, so I walked into the outer edges of the
town's centre. There I found a kebab shop where I feasted
on another Donner kebab. Although I like to think of
myself as an outlaw, I am not so wild. At the edge of the town
there were some cafes where you smoke dope. I just stared in
at the window and watched the cool young things
get mellow. I did go to a bar. No one there spoke English,
but I did hear a conversation, that involved the words Stella and
Heineken. Yes, isn't it wonderfull how travelling broadens the mind.
There was some kind of rave/dance party at the edge of
the town center.
The drive to the airport was mostly through the country.
Even the countryside seems ordered and designed in the Netherlands.
The forests in Germany always strike me as very ancient
and full of wild fury. The German forests have not been
designed, but seem to have been there since the birth of mankind.
Of course in the Netherlands, everytime I passed a big
greenhouse. I winked to myself and wondered what they
could be growing.
shoot em up
I went out to see the film "Shoot em up" on Friday
night. I felt a bit guilty, because Mark
Kermode gave it a bad review. The film is just
a lot of mindless violence, however it was
done with style and was actually quite funny.
Anyway I felt better for watching it, though
it was not the kind of film I would take my mum too.
Somehow I feel a lot better after a bit of a laugh.
I just watched a south park episode that
involved Cartman taking off all his clothes to do
a Ninja invisibility trick. He did this in front
of an audience. I have to admit I laughed so
hard, I thought I was going to die.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
the historian
I have finished reading "the historian" by Elizabeth
Kostova. I am not sure that reading a book about
Dracula at a nuclear physics conference is a good
idea. It was a very clever book, involving scholarship,
and some good forward-backwards narrative.
I am ashamed to say that it was on Richard and Judy's
summer read.
slaves of sleep
I have just got back from a conference in Germany.
While I was there I read "slaves of sleep" by L. Ron
Hubbard. This was a kind of cheesy fantasy novel, with
a nerd living a different life when he slept. It was
a fun read, but not very deep.
I have read some great science fiction books that are
based on some philosophical idea.
The strange thing is that Hubbard was the writer who
founded Scientology. He just writes a standard by the numbers
fantasy book.
online viewing
When Apple announced that you could buy TV shows from ITunes, obviously
my first thought was to try to get a science documentary. Somehow
I ended up downloading a Southpark episode. I like to think of my
self as unique in some kind of pompous way. However, I noted that
the top download of TV shows from Itunes was Southpark. People
in the UK clearly miss Southpark since it was pulled from terrestrial
I watched the episode "make love not warcraft". I used my old laptop.
Trouble is the scenes slowed down and sometimes stopped. The
animation on Southpark can be pretty weak, but it doesn't usually stop
for 2 minutes.
I was more successful watching "brother" downloaded from Channel4
on demand service. I originally wanted to watch a film, but couldn't
be bothered to walk to Blockbusters. Unfortunately it took
2 hours to download, so I ended watched it a week later.
Of course the software from Channel4 interfered with the BBC
iplayer software.
Of course if I was really cool I would download free stuff from peer
to peer sites. I just get nervous having to deal with viruses
and things.
Anyway Blockbusters on Byers Rd have now got a much bigger collection
of box sets. So I rented "family guy volume 3". Who needs the internet?
One of my friends asked "what are you reading", I replied "that
I was much too busy and stressed to do any reading". Umm.
Bourne Ultimatum
I am behind on this blogging thing. I went to see
the Bourne Ultimatum maybe two weeks ago. I was really
excited to see it. I am not really sure I enjoyed
it so much. Part of the reason was that half way through
the film, I really needed to go to the toilet. OK. perhaps
if I hadn't drunk the traditional pre-film beer, I would have been
OK. I bet Jonathan Ross doesn't have this type of problem. Somehow
the film was too much of a mismatch of the earler films.
The film made me want to really go to Tangiers. Jason Bourne and the
Nicky went over to Tangiers via a ferry from Spain. That is the best
way to go, after going to Spain via some cheap airline route.
Tangiers looks so sunny and beautiful.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
The new old thing
I have just finished reading a book called "The old
new thing" by Raymond Chen. Chen was on the development team that
wrote Windows 95/98/XP. It is interesting to hear his side
of the story in the be nasty to Microsoft debate. His view
was backwards compatibility at all costs. The programming
examples were very ugly though.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The 8:55 to Baghdad
While I detox my system a little bit, I am
finishing some books I started a long time ago.
This week I got to end of the book "The 8:55 to Baghdad" by
Andrew Eames.
Agatha Christie took a trip to Baghdad in 1928. Andrew
follows her trip, as best he can. Andrew's trip is just before
the second Gulf war, so there is some tension when he
is in Iraq. Agatha made the trip originally after her
first marriage broke up. What is depressing s how friendly the Arabs
were to Andrew. I doubt that he would get such a warm reception now.
I need to plan more adventurous holidays.
Green man festival -- No music on Sunday
What bands did I see on Sunday? Err, well none. It was muddy and I
slunk out of the campsite at 10:00. After checking with more
experienced festival goerers, I find that walking through mud is part
of the festival experience, so I was a bit of a wimp frankly.
If I had stayed then I would have wanted to see on the main stage:
Devendra Banhart (not sure why), Gruff Rhys, Malcolm Middleton
(ex Arab Strap), and Mistys big adventure.
In the folkey dokey tent, I would have seen: artic circle,
John Renbourn, Herman Dune, and the aliens. I was particularly
looking forwardto seeing Herman Dune. Such is life though.
Thus ends my coverage of the Green Man festival 2007.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Green man festival -- music on Saturday
On Saturday it rained. I usually switch between the main stage
and the folkey dokey tent. It is nice to new bands.
Unfortunately, I have managed to forget most of
the people I saw in the Folkey dokey tent. I did see
some good music there. I saw part of the set by "north
sea radio orchestra". They were some kind of small classical
ensemble who make classical music and have people sing
William Blake songs. I am over my hatred for classical music,
so I enjoyed their set (OK they are freakzone approved).
I saw part of James Yorkston's set.
On the main stage the first band I enjoyed was "monkey
swallows the universe". Next on the main stage was Lisa Knapp.
I liked her set, but I can't remember why. Later on clinic
played. All the members of clinic wore surgical masks -- they
were fairly indie, so made a nice change.
At 5:30 a band called "the broken family band" played. They are
some kind of alt-country group from Cambridge. I enjoyed their set.
The penultimate band on the Saturday was "Vashti Bunyan". Vashti
has an interesting history that you can look up else where.
Even though she is over 60, she does have a sweet beautiful voice.
Unfortunately, she was a bit quiet for a late night festival
slot. Still I am glad I was there.
The band on Saturday was "Robert Plant and the strange sensation".
You can't accuse Robert of being quiet. I have to admit I never really
got into Led Zepplin when I was growing up. Robert played a
really goo set. He clearly enjoys singing. He played a
mix of old and new stuff. The program said that he had gotten
interested into middle eastern music. The mud bewitched me, so
I didn't hear his full set. Still I had a great time.
Green man festival -- music on Friday
So what about the music at the Green Man festival Craig?
On the Friday night the headline act was Joanna Newson. She plays the
harp in a beautiful way. Unfortunately, she is fairly quiet, so this
means that the drunker members of the audience start talking. A 40
year old woman was loudly trying to pull a collegs student. The guy
was saying I have no artistic understanding of music -- very true.
In my minds eye I can still Newson pluck those harp strings.
Before Joanna, her husband Bill Callahan played a set. Callahan used to
record under the name "somg" and was a tad gloomy and slow. Now that he is
married, he records under his own name and sounds a lot happier. I enjoyed
his set -- although he doesn't move around so much.
I also enjoyed Rachael Untank and the winterset who played the main stage
about 16:30. I own their first album called "creul sister". There were
some really good tracks on "creul sister" (one of which involved
a hangover). I was amazed to see some tap dancing as part of their
set. They were much more traditional than I remembered.
The first band on the main stage was Gwildor. I liked them. The next
band was Fanfarlo, who I am sure I have heard on the freakzone radio show.
I was disappointed with Fanfarlo's set for some reason.
I saw some good bands in the Folkey Dokey stage, but I can't remember their
names. Sorry...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
festival reading
While I was on the train I overheard a conversation about the Harry
Potter books by people who looked as though they were also going to
the green man festival. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the
boy wizard, but somehow spending the weekend with 10000 Harry Potter
fans filled me with a Lord Voldemort like dread.
Ok I was reading a fantasty novel as well. However
my fantasy novel was based on a philosophical idea,
so there is no way that it could be considered
a nerdy book. In fact all 3 fantasy books that I read
while travelling to and from the Green Man festival were
all based on some deep idea. So here are the 3 books:
Simak, "Why call them back from Heaven".
The human race is constructing a business to
revive the dead. But do we really want immortality?
A.E Van Vogt, "the battle for forever".
Pacifism mixes with vengeance.
Tim Powers "The Anubis Gates".
A man goes back in time to be a tourist guide
for a talk by Coleridge. Things go wrong and he
finds himself living the life of a person he was
writing a biography about. Apart from being a good
yarn, this touches on issues of free will and destiny.
I think you will all agree that my choice of reading material
was not at all nerdy or spotty faced.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
camping with the green man
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Green man festival
I will post more stuff about the music at the green man festival
later. This festival has a different feel to others. It really
is a weird folk and psychedelic festival. It is clearly not a traditional
folk festival, but when Rachel Unthank and the Winterset played the
main stage on Friday at 16:30 they had some clog dancing in their set,
that people who looked like indie children seemed to like.
On reflection the Welsh like their psychedelic folk. There
were a lot of ex-members of Gorky's Zygotic Mynci playing.
The only reason I had heard of many of the bands is by
regularly listening to the freakzone on radio 6. Normally
I live happily in my own musical world where no one has heard
of the stuff I like. At the festival, I heard people excited to
watch Vashti Bunyan and Bill Callahan (these are not so obscure
I might add). I am not alone, but perhaps if I move to the next level
of obscurity then I will be.
Green man festival - setting the scene
I am back from the Green Man festival. I had a really good time.
My tent didn't fall down. I didn't fall into any ditches dead drunk.
I didn't fall head first into the mud bath.
I got the train to on Thursday to Abergavenny The ticket cost about
120 pounds which was bout 50 pounds more than I thought it was going
to be. Somehow it more expensive to go there than to go to London. The
journey from Glasgow took 6 hours, but as I was reading my book time
went quickly.
There was a coach from the railway station to the festival site.
There was a little wait for the buses to turn up, but everyone
looked excited by the prospect of a weekend of cider and bands.
It was less than a 20 minute drive from the station to the festival site.
The festival site is in the country.
The green man festival is a small festival compared to the big ones
such as Glastonbury.I think that there were fewer than 10000 people
- but still a good number of people. The camp site seemed big to me.
The festival was in Glanusk Park, Brecon Beacons. When you look up
you see a huge mountain with its top covered in cloud. If the cloud
is at the bottom of the mountain that means it is raining or it
is about to start raining. There were a lot of trees around.
There were 3 or 4 stages, plus other areas for children, a cinema tent, a
green field site. I saw that the Institute of Physics were doing some
demos there. Umm, good to see that my annual membership fee is put to good
use. If all "outreach" was like that I would be more keen to
get involved. There was a lot of space to explore.
The main stage was in an amphitheatre. Some of the other venues were
up the hill hidden away in an enchanted wood.
I believe that children under the age of 12 were free to go in. There were
a lot of children about. I am not really a family person, but somehow having
children playing makes an occasion more adult.
There was a huge choice of food available. There was food from Spain,
the middle East, China, plus interesting stuff from the UK. So you
could get through the weekend without eating a single burger. OK, so I
ate one burger when I was there, but it was gourmet and frankly what
did you expect me to do? Cook for myself?
I will post about the music and camping later. I have to admit I came
home a day earlier than I planned. It rained most of Saturday, so the
festival site was essentially covered with 2 inches of mud. I had good
boots that I am still scrapping the stuff off. It looked as though it
was going to rain on Sunday too. I am the kind of person who will fall
flat in a big pool of mud. When I was younger I went on a camping
trip with the ATC. I managed to fall in a big pile of mud in a farm
yard. When my father, never a person who could restrain exerting his
wit on an unfortunate person, picked me up to take me home, he noted
that sh*t people attract sh*t. (How I laughed).
It was possible to move between the stages at the end of Saturday, but the mud \
slowed me down. It was taking me 20 minutes to get from the main stage
(near the bar) to the toilets. I would drink a pint of cider, take 20
minutes to go to the toilets. By the time I came back I was ready
to go to the toilet again. I would come back to bar at the main stage,
drink a pint of cider, after which I was ready to go to the toilet again.
You get the picture.
There was an incredible age range of people at this event. Some
people were with their children and their parents too.
Napalm Death
I went to see Napalm Death play at the Glasgow barfly last
Wednesday. When I was around 20 I used to be into Napalm Death, and I
wanted to see them play. I never managed it then. I didn't really
start going to gigs until I was studying at Edinburgh
University. Napalm Death were a famous grind core / death metal band
who formed in the early 80s. They played very fast short songs. John
Peel was a fan.
I had not followed what they were doing since then. The Glasgow barfly
is a small venue that mostly plays indie type bands, rather than a
metal bar. It was packed when I went there. Everyone was wearing
black, as you might expect, but at some stage I was trying to get to
the bar, I seemed surrounded by blackness.
When they started playing, I was enjoying the band, but the guy I was
with turned to me and said, "this is not real grindcore". I spend the
next 15 minutes worrying about this until he went off to the mosh pit
and voted with his feet that they were genuine death metal.
Napalm death played a good set. Somehow they are getting more
political. Perhaps death metal is drifting back to its hard core
punk roots.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I am looking forward to my trip to the festival later
this week. This does involve some camping. I have not been
camping for nearly 15 years. I went into town today to get
some gear. Trouble is I didn't realize that TJ Hughs don't sell
camping stuff. I did find a "Blacks" shop, but just as it
was shutting up.
I was really looking for an army surplus place where I could
get some proper ex-military gear. I don't want some pouncy
"middle class camping gear". The point of camping is to
suffer a little, rather than to carry around a hotel
room in your car. When I did go camping I did use
use some military mess tins with a simple stove. This
was easier to use than one of those nasty gas stoves.
I didn't see any military surplus shops in Glasgow. I did see
a lot of ugly pound saver shops. It is too late to order
any army surplus from ebay, maybe next time.
I have seen the first Rambo movie "first blood". It doesn't look too
hard to live off the land. All I need is a large knife. I guess
that killing a deer would not go down well with the average
hippy festival goer, but grilling a rabbit over a fire
may be OK (perhaps???).
When I was maybe 16 or 17, I bought a book called "No need to die" by
Eddie McGee. This was all about living off the land. Why did I buy
the book? At some point some murderer killed someone and then hid in
the country. Eddie tracked him down. This sounds like bollocks now
that I think about it, but at the time it was on TV and made some kind
of sense. One of the tricks in the book was to use a condom to catch
a fish. I don't see that walking into camp with a trout in a condom
is a good way to pull a festival hippy chick, even though it would
show that I was a good "hunter gather sort.".
I can see that I am going to end up eating festival burgers for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yummy!
more complaining about being tired
I have been feeling really run down and tired this week.
I am exhausted. I have a lot of work to do, but I am
having problems functioning, both at work and as a human
being. I am getting annoyed my people standing in my
way as I walk around the fabulous West End of Glasgow.
Somehow people move slowly and decide to have a big think in doorways.
I cut a sad figure as I walked into a number of off sales
places in Glasgow. I was all shaking with tiredness and muttering
"sake". (Somehow all the sake in Glasgow has been drunk, so no joy).
I am not the only one who is exhausted. The Guardian has an article
about the US army in Iraq. They are tired too, but perhaps for better
reasons. I could of course try going to bed earlier, or
meditating. Perhaps a relaxing stroll through the Botanical gardens
would help. Nope, I need time off line and R&R outside Glasgow.
Anyway I did try to make some life style changes. I got two
cans of Red Bull. I have tried to drink Red Bull in the past.
I don't like the taste. Did it wake me up? No not really, I just felt
like "sh*t" quicker. Perhaps I will soldier on with this
Red Bull thing. This is what the US army use to keep awake and
fighting alert. Sure some bullets go astray, but at least
the soldiers keep awake.
byebye TV hello laptop
I have been using the iplayer from the BBC. This internet thing
is pretty cool. You can download programs from the last week. You
then have 28 days to start watching the program. OK, I should worry
about DRM and stuff like that. This is for programs created by the BBC,
so you can't get "Family Guy".
I will obviously use this new program to improve my mind with cultural
and historical TV programs. Until, then I have downloaded shows
for "Mock the week", "Dr Who", and "Life on Mars". I am easy to
please. This is one of the reasons I am not reading many books at the
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Simpson's movie
I went to see the Simpson's movie last week. I no longer regularly
watch the Simpson's on TV. I have moved on to "Family Guy" and "American
Dad". I would watch Southpark if it were available on terrestrial
TV. I enjoyed the Simpson's film -- it wasn't a really great film,
but it was enjoyable.
The same evening, I watched "Unknown" on DVD. This is a film
about 5 men waking up in a room with their memory lost. It was
intense, but ultimately empty. Still it was a lot better than many
films I have seen recently.
a month of bins
green man

Nash versus Cope
It was so humiliating but I really needed the latest CDs by
Julian Cope and Kate Nash. Now that fopp has closed I am reduced to
buying CDs from Virgin megastore. I slipped into the store trying to look as
though I was lost, so the cool people wouldn't waggle their wasted fingers
at me.
I have seen Kate Nash play and I like the song "foundations" a lot.
Perhaps I have a thing for angry chicks who hate men. The first
track on the Kate Nash, sounded like a pointless filler track.
This didn't put me in a good mood. There are some good tracks
on the CD, but I don't like it as much as the first record by Candie
Payne. The guardian review is a bit harsh as well. I expect that
I don't like listening to her London accent too much.
On the other hand Julian Cope's latest CD is fantastic. Now that I have been
educating myself about bands such as Can and Neu, I appreciate his
sound a lot. I remember listening to an interview with him in the 80s,
when he said he had some problems recording because he thought that
he was a city center. He is clearly an articulate clever guy.
I like obscure music, but when I look at his web site he is clearly
finding a higher level of weirdness in hidden sound.
Umm, I don't seem to have told you the name of Cope's new album.
I am not a professional reviewer. You got a problems with me?
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The U.S. Vs John Lennon
A couple of weeks ago, I watched the DVD about John Lennons problems
with the US government during the late 60s and early 70s. Let me start
out by saying that I hate the Beatles. I particularly hate Paul
McCartney. And Paul, it is not cool to put out a record with
Starbucks. I am addicted to coffee, but putting one of your CDs near
the latte machine is not likely to make me want to buy it, or like
you. There was some early footage of the Beatles, and even then Paul looked
like a total twat.
I am being a bit harsh about the Beatles. I do like George Harrison,
because he funded a lot of good films (Monty Python and Withnail And I).
Also he was a good hippy singer.
John always struck me as a phony, but that is no reason to shoot him
of course.
As part of the documentary they showed some footage with Abbie Hoffman and
Jerry Reuben. Both Abbie and Jerry were anti-war protestors and were both very
good speakers. Abbie Hoffman wrote "steal this book", that I read when I
was in Salt Lake City
after the neocons
While in Germany I read "after the neocons" by Francis Fukuyama. I
used to try and read a (usually left wing) political book for every 2
others. Fukuyama is not a left wing author. He is famous for
writing a book called "the end of history", that claimed that all societies
approach liberal western democracies with time. I have not read "the end
of history", but I will do one day (being well read and that).
The book I did read was about Iraq. It was an "insiders" view on Iraq
and the idea of state building. These people have a very philosophical
way of thinking about foreign policy, that is alien to those of us
who stopped studying history at the age of 14.
As I get older I do find that I am reading more political books by
right week people. This might be because, I am getting more
conservative as I get older (true), or I am getting more cunning (know your
I'm back!
Umm, I don't seem to have posted anything for a while
on my BLOG. Last week I went to the lattice 2007 conference in
Regensburg. Somehow this always involves a huge amount of effort and
stress. The day before my talk, I am usually too nervous to
say anything.
I am hoping to go the Green Man festival in two weeks time.
There is a really good set of people playing. However, there is
a postal strike on, so I am not sure I am going to get my tickets.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Indian summer II
One thing I really regretted was not seeing Michael Gira play at the
Indian summer festival. He used to play in a bad called "the Swans". I
don't focus on the detail, like remembering people's names in bands.
I thought the tent he was in was only for dance music. I don't have
anything against dance music I might add, I just didn't bother to walk
the 30 yards to the next tent.
I did see the swans play in Edinburgh in maybe 1992 or 1991. The
swans sort of had two sounds. They were first very loud. Then they
got very low, slow and gloomy. You can guess what stage of their musical
evolution I was more interested in.
The only reason I know that he played was because I read a review
in the Scotsman.The festival was closed by the flaming lips. I am sure I saw them play
in Liverpool. I think I saw them play in Lexington Kentucky. I enjoyed
seeing them play before, but now they are stunning live. The flaming
lips set was just amazing. Wayne Coyne went into the crowd in a
plastic bubble. There were huge balloons set lose into the audience.
Confetti was fired into the audience. The whole set was a positive
Indian summer I
The Indian Summer festival just started last year. The maximum
capacity of the festival is 6000, so it is small. There were three
music areas. One big stage, and two tents. The festival area is in
enclosed in trees. It only rained for a short while.
I had not heard of many of the bands, but I liked the idea
of hearing some new sounds. I didn't see a band that I thought
sucked. All the guitar sounds were crisp and clean.
After last year, I took the running order with me so I had a better
idea of who was playing this year. I particularly wanted to see Daniel
Johnston play. He was playing the headliner in the radio 6
tent. Before I knew of his history, I used to search out his records.
His voice was so full of pain. Now that I have seen the documentary
about him, I know that he stopped taking his medication to get those
performances. When he was close to getting a record deal, he was in
an insane asylum. This was a long time ago, so he was old.
Anyway the tent was half full when Daniel played, but the people
there were very committed. I have to admit the highlight of
his set was "speeding motorcycles".
They played a set from Daniel Johnston on the George Lamb radio show.
He hadn't heard of Daniel and had been in LA to cover the Beckhams.
He didn't get it. As another radio 6 presenter said, Johnston is an
an acquired taste.
Indian summer

Monday, July 02, 2007
We are the physics
I went out to see "we are the physics" play at the Glasgow Barfly
last Friday. When I saw the band name on the barfly listing, I thought
that gig looks a bit nerdy for my cool self. This was of course
hypocrisy of a high order since I work in a Physics department.
I did listen to a live set they did for Marc Riley on his
radio 6 show. It sounded as though furniture was being rearranged
when they played and young Marc was blown away. So I had to go
and see them play.
The first minute of their set was not so promising, but after
that the set was awesome. The music is fast and there is fast
hand clapping.
They complained that they had played to 10 people in the Liverpool
barfly the night before. None of the people at Liverpool wanted to dance.
Well if I had still been living in Liverpool there would have been 11 people
who didn't want to dance.
They have a song called "action", which I wanted to chant "Lagrangian",
but didn't. "We are the physics" deserve to be big, but life is cruel.
I didn't stay for the clubbing night, so I got home before 12:00, so the
next day wasn't lost.
the Elvis suicide
A week last Friday I went out to see "the Elvis suicide" play at the
Glasgow barfly. I had the choice I could have seen "hell is for
heroes", but the magic of myspace, helped me chose the local Glasgow
band. I enjoyed their set. The first band on, I thought were called
"capacitors", but looking at the ticket, they may have been named
"Kino Box". The sound was Eastern European and it reminded me of
"Beirut". Somehow the Elvis suicide were not the last band to play.
(If you want proper gig reviews I suggest you buy the NME).
On Friday the bands stop playing at 11:00, so they can have a clubbing
night. As I got out of the venue at 2:30, I decided that it is
probably not a good idea for me to stay for the club night. I did try
and chat someone up, but the person told me that they were born in
Florence which frankly was more information than I needed to know
at 1:00 in the morning with a brain addled by Carling.
There is a reason that the Glasgow underground stops at 11:20.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
events in Glasgow

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Wesley Willis
I have already managed to forget how I heard about Wesley Willis.
I think his name was mentioned in an online article about some doomed
semi-obscure singer. I am listening to his CD "greatest hits volume 2".
Needless to say he never had a hit, but was famous enough to have fans.
When he met them he used to head butt them in a slow way. His CD,
"greatest hits volume 1" is selling for twenty quid on Amazon. He talks
and rants in a semi-crazed way on the CD I now own.
pink elephants
I have been trying to cut down on drinking a couple of beers before
I goto bed. In principle this should mean that I feel a lot fresher in
the morning. However I find that I have very vivid dreams when I
sleep sober. I think that the alcohol is suppressing my imagination.
For example on Sunday I dreamt that I was wondering around town trying
to find a place to mastibate in the street. Then there was a big hole
in my penis, where blood gushed out. So I felt like sh*t on Monday,
even though I didn't go out and party on the booze the night before. I
am sure there could be some kind of Freudian interpretation of this
dream, but it is particularly mean to use sexual desire in a
nightmare. Normally sexual fantasy in dreams is a good way to hide
from the killers in the nightmares.
On Tuesday I drank some beer before I went to bed. I had a dream about
a puppy and the dog I owned when I was a child. Ummm.
Of course if I told this story in the real world, people would
start to mutter about "pink elephants" and flying pigs. The Floyd are
touring again, so the flying animal may in fact be real this time.
bins and entropy
I think from the contents of the bin that `i try to live a frugal life.
Monday, June 25, 2007
I was planning to go and see some French film
on Friday night (Tell No One), but a last minute computer
problem forced me to stay slightly late.
So instead I went to see the latest "fantastic four film" at
the local Grosvner theatre. It was an OK film, but it didn't
do too much for me. Frankly I don't go to watch super hero films,
to see them have angst about getting married. More explosions!
It was all too cute and bright, even though one of the characters
get tortured for a short while.
In his review of the fantastic 4 film Mark Kermode mentioned that you
don't get to learn a lot about the mythology of the
"silver surfer" from the film. The history of the
silver surfer comic is interesting, if the Wikepedia entry
can be believed. The comic got killed because of too
much angst.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I have been living a fairly reclusive life the last
few years, so I don't have too many close friends. I do read
that people with a happy family and social life live
longer. But trying to make friends by grasping people
by the collar and shouting "be my friend. I don't want to die," has
frankly not improved my circle of friends.
The real reason for this post is that I wanted to sign
up for Jost (Internet TV), but I need a friend to refer
me. I don't know anyone who has Jost. I am not moving
in hard core nerd circles. Anyway, let us see if the
power of the google blog search will help me find a friend
who will refer me to a beta Jost account. I so deserve
to be an early adopter.
Friends help their friends spend more time online.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
On the train to my mum's house, I read
"Fischer Black and the revolutionary idea of Finance" by Perry
Mehrling. Fischer Black was a theorist who invented ways to study the
stock market and money. I am starting to understand this derivative
(in the finance sense) business a bit better. He was a loner
recluse, but still managed to be married 3 times. He had a very
clever filing system that allowed him to work very efficiently.
I didn't know that they didn't understand the stockmarket in the late 60s,
and early 70s.
stag night
I went to a stag do last weekend. While I was out in Edinburgh one time,
I saw a lot of people wearing fancy dress. I was a bit worried that a
stag night in Glasgow would also mean having to wear a some kind
of fancy dress, or perhaps even worse a shirt.
Luckily though a stag night in Glasgow is a more classy
affair than in Edinburgh. The plan was to drink a couple of beers
and then take a trip to a strip joint. I have to admit I bailed
on the strip joint part. Obviously, a trip to a strip joint
might have livened up the stories I tell, but frankly it all
seemed very expensive. So I sat in a pub instead till closing
time, choosing booze over naked flesh.
The next day it was the West End festival. The West End was
full of people. I didn't see any of the parade, but spent all
my time dodging people. Somehow there seemed more drinks on
the street this year, then last year. Clearly the best place to
see the parade is to sit in a pub in Ashton lane, and munch
on a burger.
I am only happy when I am not happy.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Kate Nash
I sent to see Kate Nash play at King Tuts on Sunday.
I got there just as the support act were finishing up.
The venue was packed, but the support act were not very
loud. The audience seemed to like them, so what do I
Every time I have been to King Tuts, the venue has been packed. This
could be because I only go out to see people half way up the escalator
of fame and fortune. Kate Nash played a very intense set. She swears
a lot -- a good sign.
El Topo
Hippies shouldn't be allowed to make films
I went to see the film "El Topo" at the Glasgow film theatre (GFT)
on Friday. The GFT is the main art house cinema in Glasgow. El Topo
was apparently a famous film in the early 70s. F*ck knows why. It starts
with a gun fighter looking for a gang who murdered a village. He finds
the gang and some hippie chick. Then he goes in search of four
gun men in the desert. Then he dies and wakes up in a cave with
a bunch of people who are deformed. The plot goes on, but
I guess that you are having problems following.
I am glad I saw it, and it was not as pretentious as my
crappy plot synopsis makes out. I am probably just bitter, because I cou\ld have gone to see "the battle of Algiers" instead.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
another bin day comes around
Monday, June 04, 2007
some old sounds
When I was around 16 to 18, I used to listen to Marc Boland's T-Rex a
lot. As time passed I didn't play Trex so much -- partly because I am
trying to keep up with the new sounds from new bands. Also Marc Boland
was viewed by some people (such as John Peel) as a bit of a twat. Also
I found out that Boland was one of the first "boy bands". Ok, maybe the
monkeys were first...
I was pointed in the direction of Boland's first band called
"John's children". This is before Boland got into glam, but
the sound of "John's children" is really exciting. Boland was
writing the songs, but somehow he wasn't totally in charge.
Since we are talking about groups who are perhaps not so famous, I
also got a copy of the CD "Y" by the pop group. This group recorded
during the late 70s. I am not an expert on musicology, but this
doesn't sound like they are playing pop music. In fact it is not clear
that all band members are playing the same song. This is not to
say that they were one of those punk bands who couldn't play- but
somehow it is a wonderful mess.
Since we are talking "post punk", the fopp store in Glasgow
tried to tempt me with a CD by magazine. For some reason,
I remember that I need to own a magazine CD. Also, if you see me
out in a CD shop you will sometime see me say "fu*k" near
the section that starts with "b". I will get a CD by "the
blue orchids" one day.
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