Sunday, September 16, 2012

On the egg question

Almost everywhere you go in Ibiza you get a full English breakfast. Personally for some reason I can eat eggs and everywhere I see they always give you eggs. I could ask for no eggs, but even in the UK that doesn´t always work and they give you eggs anyway.

It is too hot for a full English breakfast. I left my hotel room to see two young guys eating a full English with pints of lager at 11 in the morning. Anyway I have been happy enough just eating toast done Spanish style that involves tomatoes. I wanted something simple a couple of days ago, so I had a sausage supper -- two sausage aqd chips. I felt like shit. My body said what is this heavy crap that you are feeding me. I used to love chips in the UK, but I am no longer used to them and my body can´t cope.

Later today I am going to have some nice sushi