Wednesday, April 06, 2011

4th day in Athens

On my fourth day I had to finish a talk I was writing for a meeting a couple of days after I got back. Given that it was only a 5 day holiday, I was depressed to have to spend one day working. This was what is known as a career low point (not that I have a career I might add).

It is taking me longer and longer to write talks. My attention span is completely destroyed. There is always a delay when I try and do anything with a computer. My concentration mean free path is about 20 seconds.

I was drinking a beer in my hotel room. I had got a little miniature bottle of hard liquor. When I looked at the label, I saw that it was called "Toxixic". After smelling I decided that I wouldn't want to try drinking something with a potentially dangerous name. It would have been embarrassing to explain that how i got sick.

So as a flew out of Athens I thought well that was a nice break. I was happy to visit Greece and get away without seeing any belly dancing.