Thursday, May 31, 2012

A night in Bristol

So the South. I sometimes give the impression of being a professional
Northerner. Various people have expressed surprise when I told them
that I was born in Southampton. But Craig you said you wanted to
move Parliament to Manchester and throw Boris Johnson in

When the North Sound divide is mentioned, I usually fail
to mention, that when my mum told me she wanted to move
away from Bournemouth, I said "OK, you should do what
is best for you." I then went into the back garden, fell to my
knees and burst into tears. No more beach holidays for

In the past and I lived in the US, when I used to get off the plane in
London, the strange accents of the people on duty used to freak me

About 4 years ago I went to a meeting in Bristol, but I didn't have time to look around. Out of the taxi I saw some nice houses and maybe a hint of a river. So when I was planning this trip I thought I would spend some time in Bristol.

This trip to Bristol was very pleasant. I like the accents
of the local people. When I was sitting in a pub having a beer,
some locals were complaining about the bus subsides in London.

My impressions of Bristol were of big buildings and lots of space. There were some nice rivers and lots of pubs and bars. As some point there was a big silver sphere. There were two big shopping centers, but they were in the open air. In fact everything was a bit too spread out for me.