Friday, June 01, 2012

Fu-Manchu my hero

I was looking at a review of the best Dr Who episodes. One called THE TALONS OF WENG-CHIANG was inspired by the Fu-Manchu character. I had sort of heard of Fu-Manchu and
I had recently watched a Fu-Manchu film in German

So I downloaded "The Insidious Dr Fu-Manchu" by Sax Rohner
The book was very exciting. With the two British characters rushing around, smoking pipes and being very proper. Fu-Manchu was a master criminal, who wants to destroy the UK.

Of course it was  racist as fuck with The "yellow peril" and all that. Nowadays we worry about China
because of its functioning and growing economy. As a Sherlock Holmes fan I know that if I need opium then I go to China town. However now that I know a little more history I find that England sold the opium to the Chinese and even went to war when the Emperor objected to the Brits getting rich by creating Chinese junkies.

The trailer for the film is below.

because of their economy