Thursday, April 05, 2012

Night out in Wuppertal

Last weekend I went to the Pavillion club in Wuppertal to hear some live music. The event was called "the sounds of mass destruction". I didn't know any of the bands, but I assumed that it was going to be an evening of metal music.

I had been to the bar in this venue to hear some hard core punk bands, but this gig was my first in the main building.  When I got there i found the music was mostly techno. I am not sure what the correct tag for the music. Most of the music came from laptops. The people working the laptops had various techniques to make their sets interesting. One group had a lot of dancers. The dancers had to be very fit, because their arms were moving very fast.

I didn't dance of course -- I just propped up the bar.

Almost everyone was wearing black (including me I might add). To stand out perhaps I should wear white, but then I would only spill beer on my clothes.

I had a great time and got the bus back. I discovered that they don't open the front bus door in Germany -- you have to exit from the middle or end doors. This was new to me. Hopefully this will not will be my only gig of the year.